View Full Version : Feel horrible after trip to grocery store

08-04-2017, 01:59 PM
I felt pretty normal when I left the house to get some groceries. Felt normal in the store, then on the way home started feeling odd and when I got home I felt/feel pretty bad. Not quite depersonalization, but in my head I feel like screaming, freaking out. (Just in my head) I have had anxiety on and off for so many years, along with agoraphobia on occasion, and depersonalization quite often after going somewhere, but today this is feeling different. I just want to feel NORMAL for awhile! When I feel this crappy, I often wonder if anyone goes crazy from this.

08-04-2017, 04:55 PM
It's amazing how crazy you can feel when you have anxiety, but still be declared medically 'sane'.

Often I think there are people in asylums that don't think and feel as much crazy crap as I do.

08-04-2017, 05:53 PM
Anxiety is an absolute beast sometimes. I'm probably as "crazy" as you get from it lol.. I've been known to be up at 5am with insomnia going "f$&@ off anxiety!" out loud and wanting to smash my head against something. I've had it my whole life (43 years) and never had any psychotic symptoms, even after a WEEK of no sleep (withdrawing from benzos/opiates). I get a bit weird but never had auditory or visual hallucinations.

I hope that reassures you that people generally don't go crazy from anxiety, even though you feel crazy :)

08-04-2017, 05:59 PM
Sorry to hear Marilyn. I'm just starting to feel better after an anxiety attack last week. I still have that crappy depersonalization feeling but not as bad as 2 days ago. This is the first attack like this in about 4 years. Yesterday and today I finally was able to taste food and enjoy it.
I've been deep breathing and stretching in the evenings. At work I'm able to walk around the building it's about a mile. This has helped me a lot.

Good luck to you and hope you feel better.

08-04-2017, 06:21 PM
Thank you everyone.. I really needed to hear from you that know what I am feeling. I just needed to hear that this is temporary and no I am not going to go nutzo!! It really helps me to read your words.

08-04-2017, 06:37 PM
Hey, can menopause cause anxiety? Also.. I am being treated for hypothyroidism/hashimotos and we are trying to get my med to the right level... very slowly. Can that cause anxiety and these weird head feelings?

gypsylee, I woke up a few times in the wee hours, feeling the most horrible panic and paranoia. I was totally baffled as to why it would strike me in my sleep! I got up each time and I also have dry eye, so I went in the bathroom and put in eye drops. (eyes were really dry!) I noticed the anxiety started to lesson within about 5 minutes or so and was completely gone in about 20 minutes. So I fired up the puter and researched and found out that dry eye affects the brain and can cause anxiety. Now when I feel my eyes getting dry at night, I put some drops in. I also suffer from frequent awakenings during the night so researched that as well and found out that when this happens, it most often is because our blood sugar goes too low. I am not diabetic, but we have the equipment here due to having a diabetic dog, so the next time it happened, which was the next night at 3AM, I tested my bs and it was only 60! The way to get around waking up during the night was to have a carb and protein together at bedtime. The articles suggested a cracker with some turkey meat on it. Worked for me. I still wake up often, but I go back to sleep pretty quickly, rather than lay awake all night. I envy people who can sleep all night long.

08-05-2017, 06:11 AM
Can't answer your question with menopause, sorry, :D.

I do believe anxiety can cause your eyes to be come drier than usual, I have the same issue. Since I started to feel some what better my eyes aren't as dry.

08-07-2017, 01:16 PM
ssMarilyn, I know how you feel. For some reason the grocery store is one of my anxiety trigger places. I always have to talk myself up to go there. And like you, sometimes I feel fine going in and then weird after.
When that happens, I try to acknowledge the feeling and let it go...knowing that I've had experiences going to the store where I felt fine and I'll feel fine again. Remember, no feeling is permanent.

In regards to your menopause question, I would think that any major life change could trigger anxiety.
Hope you're feeling better!

08-07-2017, 02:02 PM
I also find it very difficult to go to the shops I went to a local shopping centre today to try and get some New clothes but I walked into 1 shop and panic and anxiety overwhelmed me I just turned around and walked away feeling like I was going to fall over or float away I was holding onto benches and wall's I felt like people was looking at me like I was a drunk or drug user I am sober just ill

08-08-2017, 07:27 AM
I used to be very nervous at the grocery store. The more I looked at people and tried to interact with them, I realized they didn't care about what I was doing/etc. Less anxious there now, just felt depersonalized when we went for a big grocery trip the other day. It didn't hit until the drive home. It felt like I was on my shoulder, I couldn't feel who was driving car - really really odd feeling.


08-08-2017, 12:59 PM
It's amazing how crazy you can feel when you have anxiety, but still be declared medically 'sane'.

Often I think there are people in asylums that don't think and feel as much crazy crap as I do.

I sometimes wonder if there are people locked up that just have plain old anxiety and they let it take over them and have naive doctors. Too many just want to medicate, medicate, MEDICATE!

08-08-2017, 01:03 PM
ssMarilyn, I know how you feel. For some reason the grocery store is one of my anxiety trigger places. I always have to talk myself up to go there. And like you, sometimes I feel fine going in and then weird after.
When that happens, I try to acknowledge the feeling and let it go...knowing that I've had experiences going to the store where I felt fine and I'll feel fine again. Remember, no feeling is permanent.

In regards to your menopause question, I would think that any major life change could trigger anxiety.
Hope you're feeling better!

I did ask my doctor about this and he said that yes, menopause AND thyroid meds do alter brain chemistry. It's like the brain is re-wiring itself and we feel really crappy until its done!