View Full Version : Hey everyone

07-31-2017, 12:29 PM
First time on this website. I'm 44 years old, married female, no biological children, 1 step daughter.
I was diagnosed with anxiety many years ago and have taken meds off and on, though none really recently.
Last week I was driving on the interstate, had a brain zap and since then I've felt so scared/off. Not to mention, almost daily, if I hear of someone who is sick, or feel a pain in my body, I google that symptom and automatically I've got it. I always jump to the worst case scenario, I've got cancer, a brain tumor, an aneurysm that's about to burst. Clearly none of that is the case because I'm still here, positing on this website :) You can't tell that to my brain though. I've been battling bad dizziness since that brain zap. I've had them before, I know what it is, but still can't seem to talk myself into believe that I'm ok, its all in my head, etc. Does anyone else feel that way? It helps to know that I'm not alone. What can I do to get better?

08-01-2017, 02:34 AM
Hi Jennifer.

I'm 48 and have suffered with Anxiety, Depression, Agoraphobia, Social Phobia (among other things) for the majority of my life. That said ... labels do not define who we be. I'm doing a lot better these days since coming to find what works for me. It's taken my many years and I still struggle at times. Being able to post in this forum has been of great benefit for me. Doing so over the years has been a part of the process of working out what works for me.

I'm sure you going to find a lot of people that feel similar, even if the specifics are a little different. Keep posting and identifying as you have already so clearly done. I tend to find the more I do, that eventually ... the penny drops. But to be honest ... I really don't know. I just keep pondering and avoid areas I know that don't work for me ... and keep focusing on those things that do. It always takes time. At least here we have a place in which to bide.

Welcome To The Forum. :)

08-02-2017, 11:41 PM
Hi and welcome, Jennifer :)

43, divorced female, one 16yo daughter.

Brain zaps are horrible and I've had them a LOT but I'm still here. I tend to get them when I stop or forget to take medication.

If you post in the General Discussion area you should get more people replying with help :)

Gypsy x

08-06-2017, 07:19 PM
Welcome to the forum help I's here

08-14-2017, 04:48 PM
Welcome to the forum, talking things out helps so do not hesitate to say what is on your mind