View Full Version : Burning Sensation - feels like severe sunburn below shoulder

11-13-2008, 01:57 PM
Hi all,

I've read somewhere on here that some people suffer from a burning sensation on their skin, which feels like sunburn and very sensitive to the touch. I've had this for the last two days. It starts when I head off to work and last the whole day. It subsides dramatically during the night, and I awake with no burning sensation, then it starts again. I am currently in the process of selling my home and moving to another, so my stress/anxiety levels are pretty high at the moment. Just wondered if anyone else has gone through this awful burning sensation.

Regards, Andrew

11-14-2008, 10:26 PM
I get an awful burning sensation on my skin sometimes... it almost feels as if it's under my skin, but my skin actually feels normal temperature to anyone else who touches it.

01-03-2009, 11:15 PM
i usually get a feeling all over my skin from head to toe which is so hard to explain but feel extremely extremely sensitive. it hurts so much to touch, showering and even the clothes brushing against my skin causes uncomfortable sensitivity. on one occasion my shoulders and back felt like i had bad sunburn, but had been no where near the sun. it was cool to the touch and was not red.
after many hours of searching the internet for the cause (which set off my anxiety again and i'm down at rockbottom) i am now convinced it is to do with stress and anxiety.