View Full Version : Can thinking about someone you like slow your breathing/calm you down?

07-24-2017, 07:41 PM
I notice that when I think of a particular person I really like, my breathing slows down and there's a tranquilizing sensation coming from my chest.
He's a crush, someone I barely know, but thinking about him somehow makes me feel better... I've always thought thinking about "crushes" or anyone we have sexual interest in would produce excitement/nervous reaction instead?
Has anyone experienced something similar? Why does this happen?

07-24-2017, 09:50 PM
Hey and welcome :)

Yes, because "love" actually gives you a rush of chemicals - dopamine and oxytocin (maybe others). I get more of an excited rush but your brain chemistry might be different.

Gypsy x

07-25-2017, 07:09 AM
This strategy is so effective that many people practice it in meditation. It's called meta meditation (http://www.mettainstitute.org/mettameditation.html). AKA Loving Kindness Meditation. You can also benefit from projecting love and kindness to people you don't get along so easily with. As for projecting sexual thoughts - studies would indicate fleeting moments of arousal can be easily had surfing the web.

Welcome to the forum.

Bottoms Up
~ Ponder X

07-25-2017, 07:27 AM
Very nice Ponder, I do practise it, it helps me to deal with my dislikes for particular people,