View Full Version : how long does your experience chest/throat tightness last?

07-22-2017, 05:41 PM
Hello all, i am 28 and I was diagnosed with panic disorder around 4 years ago. After some therapy, meds, and the life stressor resolving itself.. i would say the last 2 years have been pretty good (no panic attacks.)

About a month and a half ago another major life stressor happened. A few weeks later I am having bad symptoms again along with what seems like more panic attacks now that I know what they are.

The last 2 weeks have been almost always tightness in chest and throat and feels like I cannot take a deep breath.

Since remembering this feeling from last time ive passed it off as anxiety. Im still on meds and started therapy again the last few weeks.

How long does this last for you? My meds somewhat help temporarily (Clinozopam) as needed. Ive also been on 75mg sertraline. But honestly i dont get a big sense of relief. I havent really been worried about my heart because i continue to do normal things and even started yoga (4 times last week) and dont have and troubles doing physical activity. I just need some relief :'(

I feel like crap all the time and feel like im trying so hard to get better...

Boo Bass
07-23-2017, 02:19 AM
Hi stella

I'm going through the same process as you and know how horrible it all is.

Yoga is good. So is mindfulness and progressive muscle relaxation. Of course xou wont feel likd doing it.

Try not to think how long it will continue but time wi5 heal it, as it did before.

Continue to use this forum for support. There are some good people here

BB x

Boo Bass
07-23-2017, 02:53 AM
Hi its me again

I usually feel too crap even to post but am having a temporary respite. I take a 0.5 clonozepam every afternoon.

If you haven't listened to Claire Weekes you should


She'll tell us not to try too hard to fight or suppress symptoms but to work more slowly and accept all the crap our body throws at us. Its not easy but sometimes like today I succeed a bit at it.

If I was not in a maximum security jail cell I would be swimming or jogging. That would sort out your breathing and throat and chest by letting your brain know its a safe response to a normal activity.

Take things at your own pace, get support from family and friends, and try not to think ahead. Staying in the moment is key.

Hope this was of help

BB x

07-23-2017, 06:40 AM
Thanks boo bass. That sounds like a tough situation. I did stumble across weeks material a few years ago but maybe it's time to give it a listen. I notice I take shallow breaths. It when I try and take a deep breath it feels strained and unnatural. Thanks for your reply hope all is well
Hi stella

I'm going through the same process as you and know how horrible it all is.

Yoga is good. So is mindfulness and progressive muscle relaxation. Of course xou wont feel likd doing it.

Try not to think how long it will continue but time wi5 heal it, as it did before.

Continue to use this forum for support. There are some good people here

BB x