View Full Version : New episode for my mentalhealth youtube channel! TECHNOLOGY: A GIFT OR CURSE for mh

Barong Baj Baj
07-22-2017, 05:36 AM

Hey guys here is the link, trying to explore in this episode how technology can impact our mental health. There are positives and a wee few negatives but would love for you guys to check it out.
Of course any feedback would be wicked.

OK have an awesome day everyone


07-22-2017, 10:19 PM
Hey Barong :)

Checking it out!

07-23-2017, 02:26 AM
I watched from beginning to end. Awesome video once again. I left a comment and will link you to a game I just uploaded ... using technology of course :)
Actually it's just in my thread. You popped in the other day so you know where it is. Srry I don't play PUB much. WOTs will have to do.

Thanks again for the video. I gave you a sub so will know when the next one is out.

Yea ... Had a good day ... hope yours was well too.

Boo Bass
07-23-2017, 02:57 AM
Hi B3

I would love to watch your video but in YouTube uses up my daily data allowance so that I can't do anything else


07-23-2017, 03:29 AM
Hey BB - you can watch it @ only 3mbs.

Can you afford 3 megabytes? That's only like one one thousandth 1/1000th of a 3GB plan mobile plan. Some audio files people stream are way bigger than that. I just measured the 144P option which actually makes streaming on the most stingyiest of plans more then acceptable. I know because I have very low limits myself and have become quite good at minimizing data from you-tube videos so I can still enjoy technology regardless of tight ass IPs.

I guess you know how to click on the settings to change to a lower resolution's, but most people don't know what the file size they are downloading. I do ... I downloaded it at 144P to make a point.

If you really would love to watch it ... now you know it will only cost you 3MBs: :P I splurged and used a whopping 15MB! lol


Just hit the 3 dots if using YouTube on mobile to switch to 144P or one of the other lower options.

Boo Bass
07-23-2017, 04:47 AM
Thanks Ponder

I get 20MB per day

I'll do as yiu suggest


07-23-2017, 07:24 AM
20MB per day? May I ask what kind of data plan is that? Like who or what establishment allocates such a tiny amount? My camera would exceed that limit taking one photo. I'd have to be careful browsing my email on that plan. I now see your predicament.

07-23-2017, 10:51 AM
I've got no landline so stuck with mobile broadband but 20MB/day is bad lol. The guy's in jail, that's why Ponder :)

07-23-2017, 01:26 PM
Nice video and I enjoy it, technology is a stick, one end helps when another will beat you up

07-23-2017, 03:07 PM
Arrrrrrr How generous of the establishment. I can see instant reform taking place with so much scope to enlighten oneself with said technology. Just as your about to solve lifs riddle a notification pops up - SORRY NO MORE DATA TRY AGAIN TOMORROW! Tip - disable all other processes/apps or don't even try.
Yea ... now you mention it, it makes sense.
Hope your session/stint expires soon.