View Full Version : Here we go once again-- leg pain

07-20-2017, 04:52 PM
Ok need some help here again. Everyone that chimed in from my post a few weeks ago thanks!

I'm out of options and not sure what to do. I have severe leg pain daily. My leg has been in such pain the last 4-5 weeks. I have had full leg xray, blood tests, urine tests , and ultrasound on leg and everything seems normal. Doctors thought it was sciatica so they did a lumbar MRI and that came back normal as well. I'm at a loss. I'm thinking my muscle aches are now possible anxiety related. is this even possible in just one leg? basically pelvis to foot? anyone ever have this issue? It's the left side as well.

This is daily and sometimes pain is at a 9 or 10 and sometimes its at a 3 .

any thoughts?

The doctors are not saying its anxiety and just saying to give it some time and see what happens. The waiting is the worst though.

07-20-2017, 07:10 PM
Hey again Robert,

It does sound like what I had in 2014 but walking and stretching fixed it by 4-5 weeks. I assume you've done that?

My mother had severe pain in both legs that year as well and ended up unable to walk even on some of the strongest painkillers (Fentanyl patches). After a huge amount of stuffing around they x-rayed her hips and found it was pretty much bone-on-bone. She had a double hip replacement and has made a massive improvement. Three specialists and various doctors failed to look at her hips because the pain was in her legs :rolleyes: so don't be afraid to get second opinions and ask for tests. My GP was kicking himself for not thinking of her hips as a cause.

Hope you get some help!

Gypsy x

07-20-2017, 08:34 PM
Hey again Robert,

It does sound like what I had in 2014 but walking and stretching fixed it by 4-5 weeks. I assume you've done that?

My mother had severe pain in both legs that year as well and ended up unable to walk even on some of the strongest painkillers (Fentanyl patches). After a huge amount of stuffing around they x-rayed her hips and found it was pretty much bone-on-bone. She had a double hip replacement and has made a massive improvement. Three specialists and various doctors failed to look at her hips because the pain was in her legs :rolleyes: so don't be afraid to get second opinions and ask for tests. My GP was kicking himself for not thinking of her hips as a cause.

Hope you get some help!

Gypsy x

Thanks for the Info!!!

Your pain was daily too? Like cramping? And just went away?

07-20-2017, 10:17 PM
Yeah it was so bad I couldn't sleep! It hung around for about 4 weeks but gradually got better with walking and stretching.

07-20-2017, 10:28 PM
Yeah it was so bad I couldn't sleep! It hung around for about 4 weeks but gradually got better with walking and stretching.

I'm so curious!! Was it in the knee and inner thigh? And all day long

07-21-2017, 09:18 PM
No.. It started in my calf and travelled up my leg to my (outer) thigh. The calf was the worst though. Yeah all day. Driving aggravated it and was agony.

07-31-2017, 05:50 PM
Adding to this. So as of today I still have pain in the left side of my pelvis on and off, in the testicles and leg. Over the weekend I had a CT scan done of my abdomen and pelvis more blood work and more urine tests. All clear. Today I went to the urologist to test for TC and prostate cancer and all clear. I cant imagine this is my anxiety again. Just in my left leg, and pelvis? it doesn't make sense at all. I'm so confused and literally don't know where to go next. Maybe I'm looking for reassurance but I figure by now if this was something life threatening, they would have found some clue, somewhere right?? I lost. frustrated and going crazy.

07-31-2017, 08:44 PM
Don't know if it's you anxiety, because I'm not a pro at this or anything. I can share my quest to figure out my lower back pain and groin/bladder pain. I went to several docs and specialists but ultimately everything was clear. I even had an ultrasound done of my bladder.

Long story short, it was how stress and anxiety was presenting itself in my body. Now with some tricks I am able to feel good most days but I've gone through my share of pain relievers/urinary pain relief pills.

Can I ask is your life now extraordinarily stressful? Could something have triggered the pain and then just being anxious exacerbated it?

07-31-2017, 10:13 PM
Don't know if it's you anxiety, because I'm not a pro at this or anything. I can share my quest to figure out my lower back pain and groin/bladder pain. I went to several docs and specialists but ultimately everything was clear. I even had an ultrasound done of my bladder.

Long story short, it was how stress and anxiety was presenting itself in my body. Now with some tricks I am able to feel good most days but I've gone through my share of pain relievers/urinary pain relief pills.

Can I ask is your life now extraordinarily stressful? Could something have triggered the pain and then just being anxious exacerbated it?

Hey josh,

Yes I just started a really stressful job, and its daily stress, I'm in moving in a week and lots else going on. I don't remember getting injured at all, but it started over a month ago. Did your symptoms last a long time and were they daily?

08-01-2017, 06:52 AM
Daily for the most part, once I went on vacation everything miraculously healed up. Some points my urinary tract would just ache at the end of the day, I would dread peeing for the 13th time at the end of the day. My anxiety is cyclical at this point, going from a 10 some weeks down to a 1 or 2 others just depends on how big I can build the mountain from my mole hills.
