View Full Version : Will I ever be normal again :(

07-20-2017, 02:03 PM
Just wanting some advice.. I'm within an anxiety relapse it's been a few years since I've been this bad. Started early 20s, I'm 28 now. Yes it's not as bad as I was a few years ago but still scary, last few weeks couldnt quit my repetitive negative thoughts. I've been on meds, still am, and started yoga and therapy again.

I know people deal with this all their lives but thought I was doing ok :( another major stressor happend and spun everything out of control. My husband is out of town for another 4wks and I believe I'll feel better once he's home but dang....

My pmin symptoms are very long lasting past my initial stressor. Weeks/months it last even if mentally I feel better.

Chest pain(right side)
Heavy chest/sternum
Heavy heartbeats (palps)
Shortness of breath
Racing thoughts

I feel as though I'm trying SOO hard to change my ways, meds, therapy, yoga, self help books and the only relief I ever get is from TIME. Like no matter what I do it will always last weeks or months. It's so hard

07-20-2017, 07:32 PM
Hey Stella,

Setbacks suck badly with this illness. It takes over your thinking and you feel like you're ten times worse than ever. Good on you doing all the right things. The thing with anxiety and recovery is it isn't linear (like a physical illness) because it's emotional and related to the mind, which is way more complex than something like the flu. I have diabetes needing insulin and that is a walk in the park compared with the damn anxiety.

If you look at my pic and signature you'll see I'm big on spirals :) Try and think of anxiety recovery as more like a spiral than a straight line.. You will come back to the same things again and again but as the spiral gets bigger things change. I can't say always for the better but hopefully. I've gone around and around for 20+ years (that's just since being diagnosed with Major Depression) and had so many episodes of severe anxiety. I think I'm finally getting to the root of it but no doubt I will be tested again :rolleyes: so I'm not part of the "anxiety can be cured" camp on here.

That said, take a listen to Claire Weekes. I know she looks and sounds like your grandma but she's one of the best in my opinion. I'll get the free link for you..

http://www.junior-anxiety-depression-exchange.org.uk/relax.html (scroll down until you see her, lol).

All the best,
Gypsy x

P.S. In answer to your question in the title.. You won't be quite the same after anxiety but you will feel better :)

07-24-2017, 04:39 PM
I'm in the same boat as you. I first remember having panic attacks around 20. I just had a few really great years and now I'm 27 and suffering from some severe anxiety again. I'm trying to remind myself that this will come and go probably forever, and these feelings will hopefully pass soon!

07-25-2017, 01:38 PM
I'm in the same boat as you. I first remember having panic attacks around 20. I just had a few really great years and now I'm 27 and suffering from some severe anxiety again. I'm trying to remind myself that this will come and go probably forever, and these feelings will hopefully pass soon!

yes this is the same for me. I know what my tiggers are, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. (being alone)

Im sorry you are feeling this way, ive been having the worst last month or so of physical and mental symptoms.

Got back in therpay and started yoga, still on meds.. sometimes just need a break :(

07-25-2017, 01:41 PM
Gypseelee, i like the spiral analogy. I keep reminding myself that i was once sick for a whole year because of anxiety only.

I find some of my triggers are unavoidable though, like being alone. Im really struggling with this right now.
Its harder the older you are to make friends and i have no family near me. This has all came to the surface since my husband had to go out of town for an extended period of time. Weve made it through a month and a half and I visited, but still have another month to go.

its all just too much some days :(

07-25-2017, 07:57 PM
Gypseelee, i like the spiral analogy. I keep reminding myself that i was once sick for a whole year because of anxiety only.

I find some of my triggers are unavoidable though, like being alone. Im really struggling with this right now.
Its harder the older you are to make friends and i have no family near me. This has all came to the surface since my husband had to go out of town for an extended period of time. Weve made it through a month and a half and I visited, but still have another month to go.

its all just too much some days :(

Being alone is a common trigger and some people with anxiety need someone with them all the time. My brother passed away in 2014 and I already had a small family.. Since then I've had bad panic attacks where I feel SO alone; it's terrifying.

Hang in there! :)

Boo Bass
07-26-2017, 01:31 AM
The spirals analogy helps me not think in terms of good and bad days but in moments of feeling awful and not so awful.

Ive had bad anxiety for 3 years now but due mainly to a terrible ongoing life situation

07-26-2017, 12:43 PM
yes this is the same for me. I know what my tiggers are, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. (being alone)

Im sorry you are feeling this way, ive been having the worst last month or so of physical and mental symptoms.

Got back in therpay and started yoga, still on meds.. sometimes just need a break :(

At least we're in this together :)
Ive been taking Lexapro 5s for 5 weeks and am upping them to 10 today. I also have seen my therapist twice now. I'm hoping this mixture helps us through this rut. Sometimes the physical symptoms are even worse than the mental ones. I panicked bad last night and felt like I couldn't move.

07-26-2017, 10:04 PM
The spirals analogy helps me not think in terms of good and bad days but in moments of feeling awful and not so awful.

Ive had bad anxiety for 3 years now but due mainly to a terrible ongoing life situation

Spirals are where it's at :cool: I'm not joking either.. Our culture sees things in linear terms too much. The reality is more a spiral than a straight line. I'd say check out the Tool video BB but it'd use all your daily data! :(