View Full Version : Make or Break Situations

01-15-2006, 04:51 PM
Hi every1

Last friday at work i got a call from an old friend who wanted to come and stay the weekend at my place, it was very short notice but i understand this guy is on his own in a town he doesnt know very well and hasnt really got any friends there so i said yea he could come. I got home from work and the anxiety set in, i knew i would hav to go out and that i would be in his company for days having to keep control. At 1 point i was shaking and near my anxious peak (of vomiting :S ) but i managed 2 keep it under control.

He arrived at my place and he is a great friend of mine and we just talked for ages and my anxiety slowly died down and i went out to a bar and to loads of friends houses and had a really great weekend.

Had i been sick b4 he arrived i think that it would have been completly differnt as I would have had a full on panic attack and because he was driving 2 hours to get to me I wouldnt hav been able to say for him to leave.

Luckily it didnt come to this and i had a great time

Do any of u guys feel u hav make or break moments that if u keep control of you will do fine, but if u cant hold the anxiety back any longer that u will just have the worst time ever?

01-15-2006, 11:48 PM
I used to.

But i learned to not think that way. Negative thinking for you right there. And as much negative as i do talk, i dont speak bad about my anxiety, just gives it more power...

I would think "Damn i better not freak, kause if i do its going to get out of hand and im not going to be able to stop it and im just going to krash and burn and everyone is going to see me and im going to throw up or pass out or start hyperventilating."

but that just made it a hell of alot fucking worse. So whenever i felt an attack koming i would just say "Its gonna be kool it will pass, things will get better, its just anxiety"

it helps alot.

but i gotta go, my guitarist is picking me up..a bit nervous but i make myself do it, kause it will be kool later...

Take KAre

01-16-2006, 08:22 AM
cheers dude ill try it next time im feelin that way

hope ur practice and stuff is going well

01-16-2006, 02:07 PM
kool man.

Yeah, practice is going well...we start perfekting our songs to start rekording at looney bin studios soon....so im looking forward to that.