View Full Version : Anxiety After Using cosmetics

07-17-2017, 09:43 PM
I am wondering if anyone else has this issue....
Certain products that I use on my body cause me to get anxiety. Mostly moisturizers but also some foundations will do it also.
I will use a face moisturizer before I go to bed and wake up with severe anxiety. I am trying to figure out what chemical or chemicals maybe
doing it but its so tuff because they are all filled with them.

Anyone else have this issue?

07-18-2017, 02:04 AM
Any chance you can go back to basics for a week or two, and then start your routine again item by item?

I did have something similar when using a harsh facial scrub. But I figured it was highly unlikely a cream was giving me extreme anxiety. That my brain was likely looking to join dots that weren't actually there -- probably just to make sense out of a confusing situation. Either way, I stopped using the scrub, so I don't know what was true.

Queensboro Flanuer
07-26-2017, 09:57 PM
Could you be more likely to use those cosmetics when you know (subconsciously) that an anxiety attack is coming on? Using a product you enjoy, like a nice lotion, might be your body's attempt to self-sooth the anxiety it can sense building, making it a red flag rather than a direct cause of your anxiety.

I suppose the scientific method is the way to go! Taking stuff out of your regimen and deliberately reintroducing it one item at a time and seeing what happens.