View Full Version : Bank Account Compromised

07-16-2017, 12:02 PM
Hi, everyone just need to vent I guess because this has my anxiety at an all time high. So this morning everything is going fine until about 9:00 get a call from the fraud department of my bank saying there has been suspicious activity on my checking account. I check my online banking sure enough they used 500 dollars apparently in the middle of the night before the bank put a halt to it and notified me. I talked to the fraud department confirmed it was not me they shut off the card, which I still have my card so guessing they got my card info from a site I made a purchase on before, but of course they are not sure where or how they got it. I've gone through and removed my card and changed my password on every site I can think I've made a purchase from.

My parents said it happened to them before and they were able to refute the charges and get their money back when it happened so that relieved me for a while, but I haven't been able to calm down heart is racing, stomach in a knot. It's Sunday so the bank isn't open until tomorrow, just anxious for tomorrow to call the bank and see how this plays out. Thanks to whoever reads this. I just needed to get it off my chest.

07-16-2017, 04:48 PM
Same happened to me (minus the money disappearing thank god) earlier this year. It was a pain in the arse and I had to wait for a new card, with NEW NUMBERS to memorise ugh. But since then it's been ok and I use it online quite a lot. Don't stress too much :)

07-17-2017, 12:47 AM
It's going to be

The Intolerable Kid
07-17-2017, 07:15 AM
I had a similar thing a couple of weeks ago. My wife made a purchase online outside the country with my card. Bank flipped out and assumed it was stolen, so they locked the account. No missing money, thankfully, but they still had my old cell number so they didn't contact me. I found out when my card was declined. Got it all straightened out, though. Good luck getting your problem fixed.