View Full Version : Abdominal X Ray Fear

07-15-2017, 08:07 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have been dealing with stress from a recent abdominal x ray. Thinking the radiation may be bad for me in the future. I have had reoccurring stomach tension, gurgling and burping consistently for a month and I thought it was a partially blocked intestine so they gave me an x ray. I have had two bad episodes of health anxiety before in my life, I am 34 years old. All blood tests, ultra sounds and the x ray came back normal.

Should I be worried?


07-15-2017, 07:18 PM
Hi Jrl and welcome :)

They usually put those heavy things on you when you have an x-ray, which prevent the radiation, so I wouldn't worry. I'm more of a social anxiety person than health anxiety though.

07-15-2017, 09:59 PM
It could just be acid reflux. It could also be your diet. You could go to a regular doc and ask them. If your tests came back normal it's probably something like that, which is nothing :) Either is a quick fix, so can try identifying the parts of your diet you can change, which is a good thing to do anyways. Sometimes when talking people swallow air that causes them to burp or drink carbonated drinks like seltzer that has that affect with the burping and stomach tension.