View Full Version : Anxiety Relapse

07-12-2017, 03:50 AM
I joined this forum about 4 years ago when I was going through some anxiety and depression. I spent 3 years feeling a lot better, but just had a relapse about 3 weeks ago. I had a giant panic attack which has led to high anxiety and panic since then.

I just started lexapeo again tonight. It made my anxiety worse and I've just been pacing around my apartment trying to get some of the negative energy out. Can anyone reassure me that this is merely an early side effect and it will get better?

Does anyone have experience in beating a relapse? I saw the doctor and a therapist today which will help in the long term but has been a bit of a trigger today.

I'm just scared and need to talk.

07-12-2017, 03:08 PM
If the medication is making you feel worse, I would say to tell your doctor if you haven't already and work out if you should stick with it or try something else. Nothing bad is going to happen. Anything in your life bothering you? If you can't think of anything, it's ok. Just talk to us :)

07-12-2017, 03:58 PM
Hi jjh, and thanks for reaching out. I remember the first time I tried medication on Halloween of 2014. My anxiety was out of control and my doctor prescribed me lexapro. I didn't have any panic attacks, but the side effects were worse than the anxiety itself. I got really spacey to the point to where I felt stoned, insomnia, hard time focusing, lightheaded, etc.

I've read that anxiety is a side effect of certain medications. Perhaps your body is sensitive to lexapro.

I've been active on these forums since late last year and this is the first time I've seen you make a post. If you don't already know - most people on this site know me as the guy that's a big supporter of anxietycentre.com. To make a long story short, I suffered with an extreme anxiety disorder for over four years. I nearly lost my wife, job, and even considered taking my own life several times due to how painful of a time it was. I tried everything I could possibly think of to recover and spent nearly every second of everyday trying to do things to recover, but all in all, I was only getting worse. Then I stumbled upon anxietycentre one day.

To this day, I am almost 100% recovered. In some ways, I feel better than I did before I developed the disorder. They are anxiety specialists who all have struggled with anxiety disorder at some point in their lives and overcame it. They truly understand anxiety like No other doctor or therapist I'd seen before did.

For a more detailed explanation of my struggle and recovery, you can follow this link to another post I made on this site:


There is a $9/month fee to the site, but there is a money back guarantee if you aren't satisfied. They have a large section on there that goes into detail about panic attacks and how you can resolve them that I think you would find helpful. I too used to struggle with panic attacks. Sometimes I would just seemingly get them out of nowhere. I even had them a couple times in church out of all places. It was a very confusing time.

Please understand I am not an employee of this site trying to generate revenue by advertising. I made this forum account primarily as a means to help people who are struggling. When I was at rock bottom with my disorder, i was confused, depressed, and frustrated. I didn't know the way out or understand what was happening with my body. I didn't truly understand anxiety disorder either, and what I didn't understand, I feared. I would've loved for someone to be able to make this recommendation to me many years ago so I could've recovered faster. I'm compassionate towards others going through this, and want to help.

I wish you nothing but the best and success as you go trough this challenging time. Please let me know if you have any questions :-)

07-12-2017, 06:11 PM
Welcome back jjh333, I would prefer not to see you here and again on AD, and the side effects look like panic attack and shaking, headache ,,,,,,,,many of them the first two weeks are tough then it gets easier ....

07-12-2017, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. It helps to have some support! I'm not looking forward to night two of medicine.

07-13-2017, 06:39 PM
I've been on a few different meds over the years. Some have definitely made me very jittery to start with.

If you can, try to go 2 weeks. Then you'll have a better understanding of how the meds are affecting you. Of course, if at any point you feel really bad, talk to your doctor. No point suffering too much when so many different medications are on the market.

Barong Baj Baj
07-14-2017, 03:59 AM
You will get trough this. I know the feeling. Awful, terrifying. And fucking frustrating right? But you will get through, one step at a time one day at a time. SO much to live for. Its gonna be just fine x

Boo Bass
07-14-2017, 06:53 AM
Sometimes the side effects of new medication are not really side effects at all but just ourselves scaring ourselves. As others have said, side effects usual@ only last a couple of weeks. Try and distract yourself as much as possible.

You'll be fine.

BB x

07-15-2017, 03:57 PM
Literally my exact life right now only difference is I've stYed on my mess the last 3 or so years since my breakdown :( sorry u r going thru this.. message me if u want to talk I just joined today but frequent many anxiety forums once it gets bad too