View Full Version : New here

07-09-2017, 07:46 PM
I'm new here
Suffering from horrible anxiety
I'm an RN. Deployed several times to OIF/OEF
Did ok for a long time then out of nowhere it all hit me
First few attacks I thought I was dying
Now struggling with things. I'm afraid to even walk outside. My once awesome life has come to a standstill
Married to a Marine (Combat Wounded x2)
No kids
Have a dog we adore
I'm crippled by this and what little I do try to get out is beyond traumatizing. I feel horrible
I was a flight Nurse always going 100 MPH
Now I feel like a broken mess I was so strong for so long and now I'm just a mess
First time in a forum. I just can't go talk to any mental health professionals.
Thank you for reading my post

07-09-2017, 08:39 PM
Hi Starry. I'm sorry to hear that youre struggling with anxiety. I would think being overseas in oif/org would be very stressful.

I can empathize with you, as I know how debilitating the symptoms can be. I too used to be afraid of going outside of my house. However, I also know that it is possible to recover from this disorder with the right information, help, dedication, and support. Have you by chance read my lengthy post I made on here about my own struggle and recovery? It is a long read, but I think you would find it very helpful. Here's a link to the post I made on this site:


I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have as well :-)


07-09-2017, 09:00 PM
You've got to talk to somebody and get some help. If you can't go to a mental health professional, find some type of counselor or someone who can help you turn yourself around and head back in the right direction.

07-10-2017, 07:28 PM
Is there something you have started to think about that popped up and is making you feel this? Do you get enough time from the people around you? People see people going strong and think they are fine by themselves then wonder why they don't feel so good after a while. You can start by self-reflection about what is bothering you. If it doesn't feel like there is any social/personal problem, then maybe it is health-related. Have you made sure to care for yourself as well and make yourself a priority as well? You have to make sure you are fine to help other people too, you know :)