View Full Version : first post and i am hoping to get some advise

11-12-2008, 08:04 AM
this is my first post here and i just wanted to say abit about myself and maybe get some advise off of you guys.

about 3 years ago i got my first job and after a couple of weeks i quit because i was scared to death of going and the worrying was making me really ill. i went to the doctor and he gave me some anti depressant tablets and sent me to see a counselor about my work anxiety.

about 2 months ago i get my second job which is working in a shop part time.
the first two weeks were fine but then i started getting really bad anxiety in the mornings before going to work and couldnt sleep in the night. i carried on in the job but it got to a point where i would get constant headaches and i wasnt eating much most days and not at all others from all the worrying. so i went back to the doctors and he gave me the same tablets and said i could see another counselor in the next 2 weeks but said to stick at my job.

it got so bad a week ago that i had to quit because the worrying was making me really ill. i would worry the nights before and the morning when i had to go to work and all through the day up untill the last hour when i knew i would be going home soon so i would kinda stop worrying and kinda enjoy it.

now i have quit the job i am still feeling the same and having the constant headaches and sickness and not eating but its because i am thinking will i be scared of going to the next job i get and things like that and i also wish i didnt quit the job now because i reallised how much i liked it and it was just the constant worrying that made me ill, but it was too late because i had already quit.

it has gotten so bad now that i cant even be on my own now and i dread my girlfriend and mother leaving me when they go to work, i have always been fine about being on my own before when i didnt have a job. i really just want to cry all the time and i hate this.

sorry for writing so much and i was just wondering if i could get any advise off of you guy on what to do next

thanks alot :)

11-12-2008, 12:07 PM
Hi there...

I guess everyone here really understands what it is you're going through...i certainly can...work is one of the main things that gets me anxious.

When you say that you're really worried at work can you explain a little bit about what it is you're actually worrying about? Is there a particular thought that goes through your head that gets you worried? Or a scenario you anticipate that gets you going? Is it just worrying about the fact that you will be worrying? And do you realise that the fact that you stop worrying an hour before you finish means that there's nothing to worry about for the previous seven?

I think it might be worth going to see your GP to ask about seeing a community mental health nurse, they could give you an hours appointment where you could discuss your worries and your thoughts. It would be worth talking to them about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, the recommended treatment for anxiety disorders.

Hope to hear from you soon

Take care

11-12-2008, 01:17 PM
hi, thanks for the reply
i really dont know what i am worrying about, i try to think but i just dont know. it may be just because i am away from home.

i am really glad i have found somewhere where i can finally talk about this with people who understand

11-13-2008, 04:55 AM
It sounds to me that you've got yourself into a place where you are literally fearing the fact that you're gonna feel afraid. Now what you have to remember is that fear is the strongest emotion we can fear...fear means danger, danger means harm...its a very natural response. But what has happened is that you're thinking and response pattern has become somewhat confused...you're not actually reacting to any dangerous stimuli...there's no predator trying to eat you and no fire from which to flee! You may find it useful to start recognising your fear, accepting it and acknowledging that although it is there you are in absolutely no danger. When i was in a similar position to you i used to tell myself 'Im not afraid, im excited' (fear and excitement being virtually the same physical feeling with a different meaning attached). Like i wrote in my previous post seeing a good CBT therapist can help you relearn your responses to your thoughts.