View Full Version : is this agrophobia? Help need to know

11-11-2008, 10:38 PM
I get nervous sweety fainty in ((only)) open public places e.g malls, big basket ball arenas, stadiums.

11-12-2008, 07:23 AM
You should speak with a pyschiatrist or pyschologist about it...It may also possibly be social anxiety or social phobias.

11-14-2008, 03:27 PM
Will i ever get over it.. How can i get over it?

11-14-2008, 03:46 PM
I would love to give you answer...but to tell you the truth I don't know. I am not a expert..so I can only tell you what I know from experience. I have had anxiety since about 11 months ..and I just recently went to a pyschologist. It really helped. You should really see someone to see what the problem really is. Because I didn't know I had agoraphobia specifically until about two months ago. But I believe there is always a way to get over the anxiety. Whether a specific person will get over it is uncertain..at least to me. But you really need to speak with someone more knowlegeble..what about parents or friends?..The best advice I can give you is to make an appointment with a pyschologist or therapist. I sure wish that I would have done it earlier..because it may have been easier for me to recover before it turned into a disorder
I wish you all the luck in the world =)

11-16-2008, 01:06 PM
I am seeing a counsler.. Don't think its working its my 3rd visit... I dont have many friends.

11-16-2008, 03:15 PM
well..does the counselor specialize in pyschology..do they even know what your problem is? and what about talking to parents..or praying and relying on your faith.don't give up on the counselor..it will take a little time to start improving and getting better. sometimes..i think that my sessions aren't helping..but then i realize they are. if you don't talk to someone..things may only get worse/ Are you in highschool...?

12-02-2008, 12:10 AM
I have the exact same thing. For me, I believe it's a control-issue . . Malls, Department stores, medical buildings, arenas, large restaurants, etc. where I'm clearly not in charge and know little about exits, restrooms, etc. sets it off. It's like I can't "filter out noise", and subconsciously register everyone's behavior, conversation, and likely intentions. I become dizzy, faint, tired, nervous and gloomy. Cold sweat, shaky hands, nervous stomach, you name it. I've had emetophobia since I was about 10, but got rid of most of it during my wifes pregnancy (out of necessity :) When I was in my teens, I usually skipped parties, to avoid seeing anyone barf from drinking (ironically I worked as a DJ for 5 years, where I had to witness a few things, but it was from a professional perspective which helped - since I was somewhat in charge) When I was 25, one of my best friends died of cancer, which, in combination with an intense career, soon triggered my first panic-attack, as well as tinnitus. I'm now 35, and have gotten better in many areas, but mostly because I've learnt to avoid stress. The Tinnitus and Agoraphobia is still going strong, though . .

12-21-2008, 06:12 PM
i am in high school, thanks guys.. yes she is a great councler and she understands my problems.

01-03-2009, 12:45 PM
Do you have panic disorder? I heard agoraphobia w/o panic disorder is extremely rare, only 3% don't have panic disorder. (wikipedia agoraphobia for confirmation, they won't let me post URLs until I am an established member)

I was just wondering because many cases of agoraphobia can be helped if panic disorder is treated.

Good luck.

01-03-2009, 06:42 PM
I get nervous sweety fainty in ((only)) open public places e.g malls, big basket ball arenas, stadiums.

Sounds more like social anxiety. Are you nervous about people looking at you, or what they might think of you?

04-25-2009, 03:32 AM
Yes i get nervous when people do that. but i can be out side and be with people and i dont feel like i do in malls etc

05-03-2009, 08:19 PM
Yes i get nervous when people do that. but i can be out side and be with people and i dont feel like i do in malls etc

I used to have these exact same fears and symptoms, so it sounds like you may have a combination of social anxiety and panic disorder (as I did). Ask yourself this question - would you feel as anxious in a mall if you were the only person there?

For a lot of us with social anxieties, we're perfectly okay in most situations... until you add people. Sounds like you're afraid of not having an easy escape in case you did become uncontrollably anxious (in the mall), but you don't have this feeling if you're outside (because you need not escape, there are no limiting barriers, etc).

So everything you're describing sounds like the same stuff myself and tens of millions of others have experienced. So take solace in knowing that you're not alone, and that this kind of thinking is very curable.

07-03-2009, 12:33 AM
I also think..The most important of these is psychotherapy. Through psychotherapy, patients can learn how to manage their symptoms as well as learning coping techniques for those times when their symptoms are at their worst. Another treatment option, which often coincides with psychotherapy, is the use of anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication. These medications help to correct the biological causes of agoraphobia by stabilizing and correcting levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.

07-26-2009, 05:43 PM
It is hard to diagnoss agrophobia from this short description you gave. In a very short explaintion agrophobia is a situation in which you fear the places or the situations that you think will be hard or emberrasing to escape from.
You should go to a therpist who can actually diagnoss what you have and start dealing with it and taking care of it immediatly!

I am also in high school and suffer from agrophobia so if you need any more info or just to talk you can send me a msg.