View Full Version : I am limping along. Need some encouragement.

06-16-2017, 10:43 PM
I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was a little kid. I am 35 now, and for the first time I will be seeing a doctor get it taken care of. I am...pretty excited.

But the reason why sucks.

I have a 2 1/2-year-old son. He is cute, perfect, smart. He is very cool. One problem though: he does not talk. He is verbal (babbles!), knows what we are saying, follows directions (as much as a toddler can), and is very demonstrative on what he wants. We have started a process to get him evaluated, and hopefully we will get him the help he needs.

I have had more than a few crippling, weekend-ruining anxiety bouts over the last couple years, but nothing like I have worried about him. Its...permeating. Work, home. driving around...not matter what...my mind goes immediateley to the worst possible senarios. And unlike my normal bouts...this one does not go away after a couple days talking it out in my head.

I guess....I would just like someone to tell me that its going to be ok.

06-17-2017, 05:21 AM
Hi Oscar and welcome,

One of my nephews is the same age and having the same problem. His parents are taking hin to be checked out for Autism I think and are finding him really difficult.

Children are masters of causing anxiety. I have an almost-16yo and that's a whole different ball game, but I think in general they get less stressful. Either that or you learn to worry less.

You'll be ok! :)

Gypsy x

06-26-2017, 10:51 PM
Yes, you're fine :) It is very normal to be anxious about your children's well-being. You may have been to the doc by now, and I hope your visit helped in some way :) Just think of all the cool things you guys can do and you'll find yourself smiling. Perhaps you can try distractions instead of stewing trying to talk yourself out of things. When I do that I just feel the pressure build, but making constant positive changes like organizing and eating a nice meal can make you feel better. Whenever I would get an attack, I distract myself. Even when one is busy you can count on you to fit anxiety into your schedule, but it's ok :) I have a little keychain that is a netlike tube with a marble inside that I fiddle with, and even if you find it ridiculous, at least you are focusing on that xP

06-27-2017, 03:37 PM
There are various ages where children can be a big headache. You are just like any other parent so it's a natural phase. Not being a professional, I cannot say your child is alright. If you need reassurance, getting proper checkups is probably the best way. I had a friend who had worries and had his two year old son getting the checkups occupying much of his month being a single parent. Let's just say that you aren't alone so hang in there.

Barong Baj Baj
07-03-2017, 05:13 PM
Mate your gonna be fine. But it is sooooo normal to be worried about the health of your child. everything will work out in the end, just make sure to visit the doctor when you think something is up!