View Full Version : Super nervous for 8th grade DC trip tommorow...

06-15-2017, 04:04 PM
Im going to sum this down since I spent too much time typing, and this site had a problem posting.

Im in 8th grade.None of my close friends are going. We live in Oregon. 5 hour plane flight.
I started developing extreme emetaphobia ( fear of throwing up), it ruined the last month for me, but only happens at school. Sometimes.
I had a lot of those stupid panic attacks, and I hate this fear so much.
If I keep super clean on this trip, and try to stay away from sick people, will I defenately not get a stomach bug? Never got one before and only threw up once in my life. When I was 7.
But its only in 26 hours now. Super nervous. Especially for plane. Please help.

06-15-2017, 04:14 PM
By the way, its a 7 day trip to DC, NY, and boston. I wish so much I could be excited, because I never eben to these places before. But. because of my STUPID DAMN emetaphobia, I am so FREAKING nervous right now, I just want this to go quickly and be back :(((((((((

06-15-2017, 05:14 PM
Well, it's almost summer, so the odds of getting sick aren't very high. I seem to get sick every year, but even my body gives me a break from June-August.

I hope your trip goes smoothly. Maybe when you get back you can order a book on cognitive strategies to deal with your condition. Or you could work with a therapist. Life can be tough, but it shouldn't be that tough.

06-27-2017, 12:58 PM
Hope you had fun if you went :)