View Full Version : What should I expect from going to the doctors?

06-15-2017, 03:40 PM
Ive suffered from anxiety for a long while without realising it was more than just shyness then something quite serious happened a few years ago and that quickly worsened my anxiety and agoraphobia. I have a trip coming up that everyone else is really excited about but I'm terrified and although my family say 'everyone is scared of new things' my fear visibly isn't the same as any they might have about the trip and thus ive realised that now's the time to get properly diagnosed.

Issue is I wanted an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible so I couldn't start worrying about it and eventually convince myself to cancel it but that wasn't the case. It's next week and I'm running through so many scenarios in my head that I can't think straight and I just need some reassurance that it isn't going to be as horrible as im thinking it is. Can someone help ease my mind a little?

06-15-2017, 04:44 PM
Hi Nora!

It's never easy to deal with anxieties in any form. Naturally, we imagine the worst from it, especially when we go see the doctors. It does take courage to tackle these issues so I must commend you for willing to make an appointment. I personally think you should keep yourself busy so you don't think about the appointment all the times. It's obvious that you want to know what you are dealing with and, afterwards, how to overcome it. I recommend starting a journal and, whenever you get worried, write in it the challenges you faced in the past that you think are related to your issue. I hope this would achieve two goals. First, this would distract you from thinking up all the worst case scenarios at the appointment. Secondly, you are basically taking notes so that the process of seeing the doctor is sped up. Essentially, you are working on finding the solution instead of worrying what the problem might be.

I hope the appointment won't be too bad. You're definitely not the only one to assume the worst in everything. You can do it! :)

06-16-2017, 02:29 AM
Thanks for your reply.

On my list of concerns, one of the worst ones is what do I need to tell the doctor. I have a lot of odd quirks, though calling them quirks makes them sound fun. The most predominant of which are with food. It ranges from not being able to eat in public to not being able to have my food touching or not being able to eat certain coloured or textured foods that I used to be able to eat, (like certain types of biscuits) and they're all almost exclusively for sweet foods. My hands also shake a lot. I dunno how much of this is down to the anxiety and how much of it is just me as a person and I don't want to tell the doctor all the things I think are symptoms and them turning out just to be my own habits.

The Intolerable Kid
06-16-2017, 05:55 AM
I have the same anxiety, especially about dentists. Just keep in mind that if they do anything that makes you uncomfortable you can object. You're also free to walk out if you choose. There are good doctors out there that will respect your boundaries. The doctor I have will stop what he is doing if I tell him to. Good luck with your appointment, hopefully it won't be as bad as you think.

06-16-2017, 10:12 PM
Hi Nora,

It depends a lot on the individual doctor. I've seen some really terrible ones but the one I have now, who I've seen regularly for a few years, is great.

I can assure you though that anxiety is a common thing they see these days.

Good luck,
Gypsy x

06-17-2017, 12:02 AM
Hi Nora,
Those are not quirks. If your doctor listens to you, he/she will tell you exactly what is going on. If not, see another doctor. You deserve to get the help you need.

06-17-2017, 02:39 AM
Hi Nora,

It depends a lot on the individual doctor. I've seen some really terrible ones but the one I have now, who I've seen regularly for a few years, is great.

I can assure you though that anxiety is a common thing they see these days.

Good luck,
Gypsy x

Very wise statement. It ook a long time ... BUT ... I also feel I have hit the jack pot with a doctor that at least pretends to listens to me. lol - narrr he is a good doc. I like him. The essence of what Gypsy says here rings true enough for me.

06-20-2017, 01:33 AM
Thanks for all the help everyone.
Appointment is today and I'm hoping that if I don't get anything else from it at least I'll be able to sleep properly tonight because i won't have it hanging over my head anymore.

06-20-2017, 09:15 AM
How did you go?

06-20-2017, 11:13 AM
Yeah, good, thank you. He was a really nice guy, kinda reminded me of a teacher I had in college. It didn't take that long and he didn't really ask that much just about when it started and stuff and having to tell him what kicked it off made me a wreck so I don't think he really needed to ask me anything else because I was showing all the symptoms there. He prescribed me some medicine and advised I don't go on the trip if I feel like I can't because I probably won't be benefitting from the medicine by then. One regret, should've done it ages ago but I didn't realise how bad I was.

06-20-2017, 04:45 PM
Glad to hear that everything went quite well. For these things, it's better late than never! :)

06-20-2017, 09:22 PM
Nora, I don't think anyone makes that decision to go to the doctor and get help until they absolutely have to. But good for you and a good start.

06-21-2017, 12:02 AM
Yeah, I know. This trip was gonna be a really awesome opportunity though, that's my regret. I'm not gonna get the chance again and ive known about it since christmas but my head was tricking me. Back when I could've got help in time, I could talk myself out of the feelings I was having then it suddenly got to the point where I couldn't talk myself around anymore. But I guess it's a start to a future where I don't have to avoid these things anymore.

06-21-2017, 08:14 PM
I've missed out on a few things like that because of anxiety. Try not to beat yourself up over it.

You made it to the doctor though.. Good work :)