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11-11-2008, 02:03 PM
Hi Guys,
I need some advice and peoples opinion please, its important if you think that your in this situation and what would you decide:- here goes...
I have been suffering from anxiety now for 6-7 weeks.. I am having panic attacks every evening... it started when I woke up to a severe one and since then I have been scared to go to sleep and scared something is wrong with me.. I just cant help it from happening even though I am really trying.

I suffered from them when I was younger so I know I am prone to them.. I am getting some help and going to start a stress less course next tuesday which im hoping will help.....this is my issue thats stressing and worrying me even more... Its my Fiance's 21st and we are supposed to be going away next friday.. we are going away with about 12 other people but I just dont think im ready for it... Im not sleeping well.. not eating well.. I usually enjoy my drink but I just want to get over these before i start drinking again.. and I am so scared of flying.. I usually just take diazepam which I know does help but as im suffering from anxiety already my fears are even worse. 1. that I will die 2. Im so far away from home and what if I have them whilst we are out and I can't just go back to the hotel by myslelf (its prague by the way we are going to) 3. Im scared of being sick and others being sick round me and I know my Fiance is prone to drinking a lot and then getting sick.. its ok at home as I can just sleep in the other room.

I dont want to avoid things and I have given myself a goal to be better for christmas... as im suffering bad at the moment I just think I will spoil it for him if I go as I dont want to drag him back to the hotel as im panicking.. so I think this is making me worse.. ive spoke to him and he just wants me better so he doesnt mind if I didnt go... I do feel so bad though as I have organised it and paid for it but I just dont think im ready. Please give honest opinions and I know I am avoiding it at the time being but I know I am going to get better but its only a week and half away and I think I will be rushing things by going.. I cant get it off my mind and I need advice.. Im worried what my family and friends with think especially the ones that are going. I very worried unhappy lady at the moment. Plllllllllease help. :cry: x

11-11-2008, 04:44 PM
hi, i seem to suffer from some of the same things as you. honestly all can can say is to talk to your fiance more and see what you guys can work out. if you are truly have a really hard time right now and it doesnt get much better before its time to go on the trip he should stay home with you. just try not to dwell on what other people with think if you dont go. they are family and friends, they will understand :).

have you ever been on any meds or anything so far? ive been off my paxil and xanex for the last 3 months cuz i just hated relying on them, and i was actually doing really well, but and then two days ago i woke up with the worst panic attack ive ever had.... so im right there with you.

hope you get to feeling better sooooon!!!!

11-11-2008, 10:15 PM
Sir if you are going to be so negative you will mosy likely have attacks.
Think postive, if a negative comes into your mind cover it with a postive straight away..
Try taking 7 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth (As deep as your can, breath in for like 3-5 seconds)
I had sleeping problems too, try watching some tv or listen to music ( Soft not hard rock)
Set your self goals like eg. i am scared of malls, but i am going to a mall to be with friends nothing is going to stop me... if you live ( im certain you will) Give your self a pat on the back...

Peace hope your fine.

11-12-2008, 01:03 PM
Thanks for your advice.. I am not on medication.. I have tried Kalms.. which didnt make me calm and I have had fluoxetine which I took for one day and made me feel more panicky.. I know it might be in the mind. I do have to think about myself here and although I am being positive I cant help but think its everyday Im suffering from these and I dont want to ruin my Fiances b'day. :-( Whatever decision I make feels liek it will be the wrong one. thanks again

11-12-2008, 02:18 PM
good advice to talk to your boyfriend about it, i hope you two will come to a solution :) you need to start taking care of yourself though, not eating or sleeping will only just make you feel worse. take a look at this post, it will give you some ideas on how to deal with the anxiety: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you find some help in there and that you make a decision about the trip that you are happy with :)