View Full Version : abilify or a benzo?

06-12-2017, 09:48 PM
Hi all
It has been a while since I posted. Been in hospital for sepsis, clots in kidneys and heart/lung issues..being assessed for transplant. Anyway, meds made me anxious so was given 2.5mg of abilify for three days while reducing steroids...worked. My question is, as I may need on going help because these high dose meds for heart/lung increase feelings of anxiety, is abilify or a low dose benzo better.

06-12-2017, 10:15 PM
Hi barbimay :)

I've been taking 2.5mg Zyprexa (Olanzapine) which is similar to Abilify, at night and it works pretty well but I feel kind of vague during the day. It's the lowest dose and I've been on it before for bad anxiety/insomnia but I'm thinking of stopping it. It also makes me really hungry, which was good for a week or so because I had no appetite, but I don't want to get fat :) I've also got this "twitchy" feeling. Was just thinking how awful people with schizophrenia or bipolar who really need anti-psychotics must feel.

The problem with benzos of course, is the addictive factor and after a while they lose their effect, but of the two I'd go with the benzo. I find if you can keep them to an "as needed" basis they are still the best meds for anxiety.

All the best,
Gypsy x

06-13-2017, 12:15 AM
Hi Gypsylee,
I was hoping so much you would reply, thank you! I am glad the zyprexa is ok for you. I was surprised and hesitant when the doc decided to give me the abilify to take the edge off albeit only for three days. I had three weeks in hospital and discharged with a whole lot of meds, one of which is viagra..lol (to dilate blood vessels). Viagra ( I have had funny looks from behind the counter!) can also exacerbate anxiety, so I am thinking I may need something for a little while while my mind and body adjusts.
thanks again
Barbara xxx

06-13-2017, 09:49 AM
Hey, you're welcome :)

Yeah the Zyprexa does work but I find it just covers up the anxiety with this vague, weird, twitchy feeling. Then there's the huge appetite and I've been on the absolute lowest dose. I'm not taking it tonight. I guess it depends how anxious one is - feeling vague and weird can be better than debilitated with anxiety.

Benzos just make me feel "normal" so I'll stick with them but keep the Zyprexa for bad episodes.

Viagra.. lol. I've actually taken it once and all it did was make me aggressive.

06-13-2017, 09:56 PM
I was under the impression that Abilify was for people with bipolar. Why don't you try an antidepressant, instead of a benzo as that might do the trick.

06-13-2017, 10:56 PM
Hi Anne1221
Apparently abilify is used off label for anxiety. I take 10 mg Lexapro (ironically for anxiety!). The sildenafil (aka viagra) causes intense agitation/anxiety, and just when it starts to wear off, I have to take it again...three times daily.