View Full Version : Update from my April post.

06-11-2017, 08:00 AM
Back in April, I posted that I felt like I was "in prison". It was a poor choice of words perhaps, but since then things have gotten worse that I could have imagined. My mom went to the ER on 3-28 with extreme pain in her left hip. It was discovered she had mersa, and they prescribed a heavy dose of antibiotics. They also had her on some heavy pain meds, that had her talking out of her head. She was sent to a local nursing home for PT. For a short while she did great and looked to be headed home. Her pain returned, she was retaining water, and her health was in a downward spiral. She was sent back to the ER, where discovered she also has a fractured hip. She's 85 and not considered a good candidate for a replacement because of other health issues. We were advised to contact hospice not because she's necessarily at the end of life, but to administer pain meds. She's now in another nursing home. Her prognosis seems to be either in pain and bed ridden for life, or out of her mind and bed ridden for life. We're trying to get my dad into the same facility so he can be with her as much as possible. Toughest thing I've ever dealt with. Thankfully, my brother and sister are as involved as I am.

06-11-2017, 10:43 AM
Sorry to here of your mothers problems. I remember when my mother and father were in the same nursing home and it was no fun at all, to say the least.

06-11-2017, 11:24 AM
Thanks, Kirk. I probably should have added what I most needed to say. Folks, if you, or a loved one is in poor health, for Heavens sake make them abide by their doctors orders. My mom had several knee replacements through the years, and never truly followed the orders of her surgeon. If she kept her weight down, and exercised the the least little bit, I don't think she'd be in this mess. As for the anxiety it's caused, I'm coping pretty well. It's completely out of my hands.

06-11-2017, 07:42 PM
Working on elderly parents is never easy. It's actually wonderful to see you and your siblings involved in this. I have seen and heard too many stories of children abandoning their parents at nursing homes so they would be free of the burden. I can only wish the best for you and your family. These are just part of life problems we must face and you seem to be dealing with it quite well.