View Full Version : I need a opinion on Anxietycentre.com

06-02-2017, 12:38 PM
So as the title says, I've stumbled upon a post here in general discussion where a guy writes tons of text about his trip through severe anxiety and panic attacks and finally finds out the answer for his problem at anxietycentre.com. I've been struggling for a year now and I need some honest answers,not someone of the staff there, advertising his page just to feed on our weakness. It's not about the money that I will pay (9$) but I'm more concerned will i get the right help. If anyone who reads this have been subscribed there, can you please share your experience with them?

06-02-2017, 03:10 PM
Hi Huan, sorry for the late repsonse to your reply to my original message.

I cannot say for 100% certainty that anxietycentre.com will fully heal you of your anxiety. Why? Because I am only one person and I myself am not 100% over my disorder yet. However, I will say this - the place I am in now is night and day better than where I was before I found this site, and I continue to improve month after month. their methods are working for me and I am seeing results - physiological, psychological, and emotional - that I never got from any of the other counselors i saw/ methods I used before finding the site. I do believe that their methods are the right ones and the progress I'm seeing continues to give me confidence that I will be fully recovered in time. You have to do the work though - anxiety disorder recovery is hard work and requires patience and dedication. My recovery hasn't been as fast as I'd like it to be (this is typical, they say), but my continued improvement keeps me going. Also, if you read their testimonials, you will see they have helped many people.

They have helped me to understand what anxiety is and what it isn't. Before I found the site, I didnt truly have a grasp on anxiety, and what I didn't understand, I feared.

As you state, yes, I did write tons of text in my post - in fact it was probably waaaaaay too much. My goal was that, through my rant, people reading it would be able to see how deeply my anxiety disorder impacted my life and to give hope to others that there is a real solution out there. I am very compassionate and empathetic to others suffering severe anxiety, because I understand how horrible it is. It can drain you of hope and make you feel like you'll never get better - or in my case, it became hard for me to remember what feeling normal even felt like.

Look at it this way - would someone really have taken that amount of time out of their day to write a post that lengthy and make up a long and detailed fictional story in hopes to get them to try a site for a $9 fee that is fully refundable if you aren't satisfied? I know you don't know me from Adam, but if it's worth anything - I would never do that to someone. I am not an employee of the site. I just truly want to help others find a resource that I believe will help them, as it helped me.

My hope is that you'll at least give the site a try. There is a money back guarantee and you literally don't have anything to lose. Once you access the members portion of the site, I think you'll begin to understand what I'm talking about with all of the helpful materials they have.


06-03-2017, 02:29 AM
Yes,this is the answer I wanted to hear, I just wanted to make sure the site isn't another waste of time. All i need to know is that there is a helpful info there and people that will dedicate to us. Money isnt the problem as I said, I just didn't want to stumble upon another fake promise. As for healing myself, neither you nor their team can guarantee it cause its individual and its abstract. Its not a broken tooth to fix it. I read all your text and eventho its long, it isnt rant. I just wanted your response, cause I wrote on that post something similar I have here. Thanks buddy, I will give it a try, I'm subbing today.