View Full Version : Drank from bottle with no safety seal- ease my fears?

06-01-2017, 06:51 PM
I got a bottle of cough syrup from the store and I noticed it didn't have an outer or inner safety seal. I took one serving the other day and then started to worry that maybe I shouldn't have. I called the store and they said it definitely should have had one and that it might have been returned and mistakenly put back on the shelf. My mind is going crazy thinking of the worst case scenarios-poisoned, put blood in it, etc. Should I see a doctor or am I worrying about nothing?

06-04-2017, 10:58 PM
Can anyone help?

06-05-2017, 09:29 PM
Can anyone help?

Do not worry about this..please!

06-06-2017, 09:59 AM
Do not worry about this..please!

Because it is so irrational?

06-06-2017, 12:05 PM
I think you should see a doctor since it will put you at ease. Otherwise, there's always that what if floating in the back of your mind. It's one of those "let's get it over with" situation, at least from my perspective.

06-06-2017, 12:14 PM
I think you should see a doctor since it will put you at ease. Otherwise, there's always that what if floating in the back of your mind. It's one of those "let's get it over with" situation, at least from my perspective.

Thanks for the reply, I ended up seeing the doctor and he felt that it wasn't even worth doing any tests since I had no symptoms and that it is so unlikely someone would have done something malicious to it. He felt there are a lot more reasonable explanations for the seal being taken off

06-06-2017, 06:24 PM
Last night I was too tired to type more, but if someone is going to put something in a bottle and has a malicious intent, they will be sure to pick a bottle with a seal and put the seal back on. They do not want it to look suspicious. It would defeat their purpose to put something in a bottle with no seal, since they would wonder if the person took it or not. Also, I have opened lots of bottles with no seal. I think companies may try to save money.

06-09-2017, 07:09 PM
Last night I was too tired to type more, but if someone is going to put something in a bottle and has a malicious intent, they will be sure to pick a bottle with a seal and put the seal back on. They do not want it to look suspicious. It would defeat their purpose to put something in a bottle with no seal, since they would wonder if the person took it or not. Also, I have opened lots of bottles with no seal. I think companies may try to save money.

Yeah, that does make sense. I probably would have shown some symptoms by now as well, right?

06-13-2017, 08:59 AM
I get these fears too, thinking about accidentally taking the wrong pill (like my pets medication) or something else that's silly. What I tell myself is to forget about it and if I start feeling weird in 30 mins to an hour (how long it typically takes to "feel" something when digested) THEN I give myself permission to worry about it. Otherwise, I don't. This works well for me. Hopefully it does for you too.

06-13-2017, 10:33 AM
I get these fears too, thinking about accidentally taking the wrong pill (like my pets medication) or something else that's silly. What I tell myself is to forget about it and if I start feeling weird in 30 mins to an hour (how long it typically takes to "feel" something when digested) THEN I give myself permission to worry about it. Otherwise, I don't. This works well for me. Hopefully it does for you too.

I am feeling better about the situation but my anxious mind tends to "move the goalposts back" so to speak. The first day after I felt glad because I didn't become ill but then soon after my mind finds something else about it like maybe it wasn't an acute poison but something like lead that will cause problems way later. Or I worry that something has happened from a small amount of poison that is very subtle and I just can't notice. Do you ever get this type of anxiety? If so, do you have any good ways to cope with these kinds of thoughts?