View Full Version : New to forum... trying to find answers

11-10-2008, 10:06 PM
Hello Everyone--

I'm a 29 year old male married to my "soul mate". My wife and I have been together since we are 13 years old. My personal life is great.... I know this has nothing to do with my condition.

Anyways, about 18 mos ago I took a very lucrative job with a Healhcare company. I always thoughr that working in the Healthcare industry would be rewarding but I never considered the stress,....

Since taking my position, where I am responsible for most of the states Medical Imaging Network (Picture Archiving and Communications Systems), I have been plagued by spontaneous panic attacks. I can not seem to find a trigger. It started that I would have an episode in the evening (at my home luckily) once every 6 or so mos. Recently I have found that I have varying degrees of panic attacks almost every week,

Most of the time this attacks occur whle I am doing a routine repair! Things I've done many times before are now triggers.... I talked to my PCP and he perscribed Paxil but two weeks of the meds kept me on the toilet (stomach upset) and seemed to raise my anxiety levels.

I've been off the meds for almost two weeks and feel as I did before,,,, I still feel like my anxiety levels are high and my brain is still racing (as before) but at least now breathing therapy seems to keep things at bay.

I'm at the point where I am willing to see a shrink. For me, this was a difficult decision; I never felt I was imbalanced by any means... but I 've come to the decision that self medicating (writing in a journal) and scrips are not a means to an end....

Anyways, that is my intro.... I'd love to hear some input into my situation.... I've been trying to control my situation the best I can and have had a few ephinaies along the way that have provided some insight into ny situation but nothing that has provided me a solution or complete control of my situation.

I hope someday I can say thst I learned how to deal with my anxiety but for now I'm still struggling with it day-to-day