View Full Version : Talking versus Typing

05-31-2017, 12:07 AM
I know the title is a little odd so let me explain my thoughts on the matter and I hope to get opinions on this topic. There are forums like these where people can discuss their issues and get help. Regardless if the person uses a thread, a post or chat, they have to type their thoughts and ideas. Online, you can be anonymous and many people find more courage when they discuss their problems. There's also no need for people to be on at the same time since someone could respond later.

I personally want to talk about issues. Even if I have no one to talk to, I want to be vocal since I find hearing myself talk help me process what I'm saying better. Reading something just doesn't work the same for me since, with the absence of a voice, it feels like it lacks essence. It's nothing more than words on a page. Conversations with other people on topics regarding anxiety also brings out emotions that I struggle to see typed words bring out. I have seen this in a podcast I'm part of where it gives people courage to discuss things they normally avoid talking in public. Of course, these are merely my opinion.

I just want to know if people here prefer to type out their problems and seek help or actually have someone to talk to. I'm not necessarily talking about professional help but maybe someone with similar experiences and is a good listener. I will admit forums like this one is great to get some help resulting some direction or advice that could lead to something positive. Though, I am curious if people would also like a place where they could talk about their problems with another live person (like through skype and such).

I know this is an awkward topic but I love to hear your responses.

06-01-2017, 03:51 AM
I am my own audience; I don't require one, however will always welcome others if they decide to join in.

We have had a few people come join here in search of others to line up Skype talks for a small fee! I prefer to to make friends online in game - Just as effective in my book and its FREE.

I find checking in and out as much as I require more than enough when it comes to streaming. I beleive there is a chat here? It's just not active. If there was a need, I guess it would be. Perhaps it requires someone to be on hand to get things started - ??? Not sure really. Chat can be cool, however I think people are less willing to stand by much of what they say when in live stream mode. The dynamics change.

Not sure my response was much chop ... pretty exhausted myself.

Good luck with the answers your seeking.

06-01-2017, 02:56 PM
I am my own audience; I don't require one, however will always welcome others if they decide to join in.

We have had a few people come join here in search of others to line up Skype talks for a small fee! I prefer to to make friends online in game - Just as effective in my book and its FREE.

I find checking in and out as much as I require more than enough when it comes to streaming. I beleive there is a chat here? It's just not active. If there was a need, I guess it would be. Perhaps it requires someone to be on hand to get things started - ??? Not sure really. Chat can be cool, however I think people are less willing to stand by much of what they say when in live stream mode. The dynamics change.

Not sure my response was much chop ... pretty exhausted myself.

Good luck with the answers your seeking.

Thanks for putting this much effort in the response. I appreciate it. :)

I will be speaking my opinion so I hope I don't offend you in any way. I know some people could go about alone but other people want to have a group they can fit in and support them. Family isn't always very understanding so finding likeminded people seem like a better option. This is probably why people are afraid of being judged since they are trying to hard to fit somewhere and not be alone. I know from experience that loneliness is not a good feeling and many people would do a lot of things like drinking or drugs if it helped them.

I prefer to make friends and, as someone tight on finances, I cannot understand why anyone would accept a fee. Helping other people should more than suffice.

I haven't seen the chatrooms very active and timezones might be a big issue there. That and how people each lead busy lives. I know live stream isn't for everyone but people can find the courage. I was once shy but I've got past that where I can talk with complete strangers. I think that, if people wanted change, they'll do even things they thought they could never do in their lifetime. Of course, this isn't supposed to be forced so, if people aren't comfortable, there are other ways to talk.

Thank you once again for the response. I knew my topic was a bit awkward but I'm glad to get one response at least. :)

06-01-2017, 07:33 PM
Your most welcome. I find what you say makes a lot of sense. The key word that struck me is loneliness. Whilst I say I don't require an audience, I do share online because deep down I do want to make friends. I guess my analogy is about quality over quantity.

We are all different yet we all have many similarities. Some of us also struggle to be heard for many reasons. We are all quick to judge ourselves as well as others. I think online places such as here helps to navigate these bariers. In time with confidence we grow; as does the ways and means by which we communicate.

Excuse typos as out in public on my phone.

I'm sure others will chime on in. Please do continue if it suits. Great Topic.

06-03-2017, 01:50 AM
Your most welcome. I find what you say makes a lot of sense. The key word that struck me is loneliness. Whilst I say I don't require an audience, I do share online because deep down I do want to make friends. I guess my analogy is about quality over quantity.

We are all different yet we all have many similarities. Some of us also struggle to be heard for many reasons. We are all quick to judge ourselves as well as others. I think online places such as here helps to navigate these bariers. In time with confidence we grow; as does the ways and means by which we communicate.

Excuse typos as out in public on my phone.

I'm sure others will chime on in. Please do continue if it suits. Great Topic.

I did have a lot of time thinking about these topics and discussing these with people I've only met online. I won't take credit for everything I say. It's more like a collection of what I learned which I compress into a summary of a sort.

I do agree that quality friends are much better than numerous friends. Yet, finding them is a tough task in itself since we must overcome many challenges along the way. A lot of people have experienced situations where they would change themselves to fit in a group, any group. The need to belong and fit in often see ourselves unable to differentiate good and bad friends. Making quality friends is something most of us need time to master.

I feel a lot of the barriers you are referring to cannot be bested solely with online places like these. I see these forums as places where people can get inspirations and/or ideas to improve their situation. These, in my opinion, seem no different from motivational videos. I watch quite a few motivational videos and, while they can make me feel pumped, the feeling is temporary. You can provide a person with all the best advice and suggestion but, if that person isn't determined to make the change, then all it naught. Coming to forums alone isn't enough. Coming to forums determined to do battle with what I like to call our inner demon and willing to persevere is how one succeed.

Others are probably unsure how to approach this topic. Still, I am happy that they are giving this topic a look at the very least. Thanks for the kind words!

06-03-2017, 05:00 AM
Well said.