View Full Version : help me please :(

11-10-2008, 05:35 PM
so basically i'm so stressed out right now i can barely even think. im stressed about stupid things like dry skin or anything you can think of im crying god im a wreck help :cry:

11-10-2008, 07:22 PM
so basically i'm so stressed out right now i can barely even think. im stressed about stupid things like dry skin or anything you can think of im crying god im a wreck help :cry:

Scattered thoughts? What else is going on?

Do you have anything clinically wrong with you?

11-10-2008, 08:04 PM
Maybe you can get yourself distracted somehow?
Watch a movie, have some chamomile tea, lay down and listen to some music.

11-10-2008, 08:20 PM
Maybe you can get yourself distracted somehow?
Watch a movie, have some chamomile tea, lay down and listen to some music.

I am going to have to agree with bree.
Generally anything along the lines of Music and Tea
Stuff that is Herbal would be great.



11-10-2008, 08:35 PM
You know what else you can do, exercise.
Even if you just find a skipping rope and get your heart rate up for a couple of minutes you should feel better. Maybe go for a jog if you can.

11-11-2008, 09:04 AM
I am so sorry to hear how you are feeling. I am sure that most of us on this forum can relate to how you are feeling and will therefore be able to be of some help with advice. You are not alone in this and you can feel better too. Is there anything that has triggered how you are feeling? Please give some more information and I will do my best to offer some advice, for what its worth. For the moment try do anything that will help you relax. Whatever it is that you find works best for you to relax then do that. You need to become relaxed firstly and to calm down, to give your stress levels a chance to drop. How long have you been feeling as you have? Do you support in the way of family and friends who you can turn to? Please when you are feeling a little calmer write back and let us know a little more so that we can be of help to you.

11-13-2008, 06:52 PM
aw thanks soo much for everyone who replied. yeah im just stressed out lately over school and stuff that has happened in the past that i would not like to talk about make me anxious alot and idk i just feel overwhelmed all the time like i cant stop thinking and im just exhausted and i try my best to smile and make the best just those dumb symptoms of anxiety overpower me somehow. i mean i need some ways to relax in class cause i get myself overworked and i would like to feel more relaxed and ive been fighting with my soon to be fiance alot cause he doesnt understand this process of anxiety but if you could all the ways to help me relax id appreciate it so much! thank you!! i'm happy there are people on here who i can relate too. :)