View Full Version : How do you do it?

05-24-2017, 08:28 AM
How do you guys get through the day of anxiety symptoms/panic, caring for a family and if you work how do you get through? I find myself constantly pushing myself. At the end of the day I often say to myself "I am proud of you that you pushed through."

05-24-2017, 06:33 PM
And you should be proud of yourself 🤗 anxiety is hard to live with. Some choose meds to help and some choose some kind of therapy or a combination of the two. You have to find what works best for you, it's trial and error really. There is no cure but it can be managed.

05-24-2017, 10:27 PM
I find talking about it helps. Talking to yourself only does so much so finding people who will listen and give support is big. I personally make videos where I talk about my thoughts and problems and that helped me thus far.

The Intolerable Kid
05-25-2017, 06:11 AM
Taking everything one at a time. For myself, I find not talking about it at home is helpful. My spouse complains about her job, but I feel like if I re-tread it at home I'm just torturing myself over it. I am proud of myself when I make it through the day with no mistakes or confrontations.

05-25-2017, 07:49 AM
You should be proud of yourself! It is easy to give in and give up. I agree that you just have to take things one step at a time. The minute I start worrying about the future, tomorrow, 5 minutes from now--it seems insurmountable. However, from experience, I know that all the worst moments do pass sooner rather than later. My mind will turn back to my work, the tv show I'm watching, etc etc and my day moves on. I am always aware of my anxiety though I have learned not to dwell on the particulars. The way I look at it, it is just my fight or flight mechanism going awry. The particular worries I am having at the moment, the physical sensations I am feeling, are just normal worries and sensations. They just feel like the end of the world due to the anxiety. The anxiety still sucks, of course, but viewing it as a I would say, a bad cold that will go away eventually, keeps me from spiraling down into self-pity and depression.

If you find you are anxious at work, just keep working. Even if your work doesn't take your mind off your anxiety completely, it will definitely make the time go so much faster. I find I prefer to be at work when I have anxiety, especially since my anxiety is worse in the mornings. At home on the weekends it is too easy to just stay in bed and wallow. Work forces me to get out of bed, to focus on something else, so I welcome it.