View Full Version : UV Fear Mongering - Don't become a wilted leaf.

05-23-2017, 05:55 AM
Just as fear is used in the medical and drug industry, so too it is used in other industries that wish to sell, sunscreen, clothing, sunglasses, hats, umbrellas and the myriad of other Super Dooper Ultra Protective UV paraphernalia. Yes one must be careful these days when venturing out into the midday sun. Hell ... I live in Australia where one must be very careful not to go out after 10:00am. God forbid that should ever happen. Seriously ... there is SO much information and info that is left out ... with regard to living sensibly under the sun.

Slip Slop Slap! Is the chant we have over here in Australia. The schools do a pretty good job of educating parents and kids, as too those brainwashing displays that run 24/7. People spend WAY TOO much time indoors due to the fear mongering these corporations project as they do. There are reports out there about how people lack the abilty to produce melatonin due to lack of exposure. The marketing of sunglasses plays a large role into the hype/fear mongering that is responsible for negative effects of not enough sun. We absorb vitamin D from the sun mostly through our eyes. people are so light sensitive today that they were sunglasses all the time (it's a problem in itself) but that's OK ... we can take Vitamin D in a Pill - hell we even got melatonin as well. [More band aids] What I am proposing here is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to those variables that counter the fear driven programs that leave so many people wilting in their homes. Wilting not from heat, (overuse of aircon another predisposition) but lack of UV.

Let's deal with the source of the problem. Down here on the ground. Let's leave the ozone hole where it is for now. FOOD - Fear of cancer hey. People would do far better to change their diets, learn how to eat and also drink. You have more chance of contacting cancer if your a meat eater and or eat food from animal products than you do of catching it from the sun. Is not about not having any meat but more about how much you have (and the type) compared to fresh fruits and veggies. Lets throw the RAW word into the mix as well. It's not about eating only raw, but how much raw food you eat with your cooked food. Which foods you cook, which foods you leave raw and how they are mix. How you eat is just as important. If you understood the chemicals that go into the feeding and production of factory food and animals then you would be more fearful of side effects that come from processed foods, even those package and labeled as "healthy." One then starts to see how it is that this dynamic of eating alone gives us a predisposition to the sun.

Dermatitis and other skin conditions can be treated simply by eating a plant based diet ... although not simple to change from all those animal products, processed & cooked foods not to mention all those yummy sweets. All of the aforementioned foods have today become designer drugs. The chemicals listed on the labels of these synthetic like foods not only cause cancer in their own right ... but also create the sensitivities that the UV Marketing Gurus go to great lengths in telling people why they must all stay inside and or by their products when venturing out their doors. If you eat mostly fruits and plants ... your off to a good start from this inside out. Sadly most people eat 95% meat, animal products with processed to the hilt foods with like a tiny 5% spec of vegetable on the side. That tiny bit of veggie also typically overcooked and dripping in something sweet. You get the pic.

LIFESTYLE - Not just food. But remember ... FOOD is where it starts - otherwise your just wasting your time. You'll be dead from food related cancer ... and LOL @ carcinogenics in sunscreen alone. Yea yea ... there is a huge market in Organic ... but let's not ware that word out. It all comes down to the negative effect of promoting band aids. Eat the poisonous food, go see the doc - then take the drugs. No different pasting oneself in goo, jump in the car, order at the drive through then go lay on the beach sipping a large surgery drink and eating finger licking chicken. Yum Yum - Slurp Slurp.

Here is how you protect yourself without all the fear mongering and the need to race out and by all that gear. Save your money and spend in on REAL food - even the commercial fruit and veggies will do. (don't worry about the organic hype! Sure it helps ... but compared to the poison in most of our plastic foods - you'll still do better eating commercial veggies) Ditch the meat ... or at least reduce it down to 10% and start eating 90% fruit and veggies. Read up on the China study and reduce your intake of animal products full stop. Add more healthy fats in your diet like Unrefined Coconut Oil. Skin friendly foods - another big tip is to start eating watery fruits. Hydration - Hydration ... is optimally done through eating hydrated food and eating them raw. O OH ... not the Raw word again. Forget about all the Vegan and Paleo Ideology. Just keep it simply with plant based foods.

NOW you got the message on how food sets our predisposition? Do you take Medicine? Most medicines that we sick modern humans use like band aids also make us sun sensitive ... How about our JOBs ... rush rush and mostly indoors, hide away in air conditioned offices/building/cars - soft cushy lives that leave our insides ripe for parasites? Stressful lives that lead to hormonal imbalances - cortisol lvls skyrocket - put on weight and so on.

Lifestyle - so once you start eating real food, properly hydrate, take less meds, lose a bit of weight and start living zen - the next step is to try some graduated exposure. Hell knows people these days are getting social phobia simply due to long periods of avoiding the sun. Go figure. Fact is, once you start living and eating like a natural human should; you will be 100 times more able to go out and enjoy the sun. Unlike wilted leaves that peril at the first sign of stress. Oh my of my ... I must go online and purchase some aids in order to make it through day. Oh NO - did you just read that article ... we must start buying filters/masks and line our clothes with antibiotics ... Oh but wait ... we already do!

Pick your times ... what part of the planet you live? ... yet another part to the puzzle that's not commonly told. I wont even bother going into that as I'm pretty sure I've made a enough points. Is all about sensible sun exposure. Healthy people can tolerate a lot more UV and in fact they NEED it in order to thrive in the same way a plant needs it in order to grow. I live in the sun cancer capital of the world and if I don't get enough of it I am as just likely to take myself out from sheer depression; let alone contracting cancer.

Yes the ozone hole is getting bigger and more co2 it killing the planet ... but let's not discount humans killing humans. I figure we will poison ourselves before the sun gets takes us out. Sensible people have been covering themselves up for thousands of years (millions if you beleive the filtered science of forbidden archaeology : )

Change your lifestyle, eat healthy, hydrate, ditch the hustle and bustle, meditate and pick your times. That way you won't have to live in fear or cower inside. Follow some of these tips and you'll be stronger and healthier enough to live outside for a long while yet. Don't Stress!

06-27-2017, 12:32 AM
I hear ya. SO many ads fear monger to the point of giving people who take it super seriously anxiety/even more. I guess it's that everything in moderation jingle with these things. The same people who get super scared about it affect their kids too, and are lacking in other aspects of basic care at the same time like hydration and rich or at least adequate diets :/