View Full Version : Help! Freaking out! I think I ate bad chicken!

05-20-2017, 10:54 PM
I was at a restraunt eating some fried chicken strips of the boneless kind. Bit into one of them and it was totally soggy and soft all the way through. It melted in my mouth which might be into some but for me it was not normal. Tasted fine (though it was soaked in BBQ sauce) so I took another bite and it practically melted in my mouth again. I spit it out despite that it still didn't taste bad. I'm freaking out! I googled search why frozen fried chicken could be like that and its possible the chicken was in a large batch and just wasn't fried as hot as it needed to be but it's still eating me alive. I'm not going to be able to sleep for a days now!

05-22-2017, 02:00 PM
How're you doing? Was the chicken bad, or just poorly cooked?