View Full Version : Couple of questions.

11-10-2008, 12:14 PM
Last night i managed to get myself in a frenzy and it got me into a full blown panic attack. My mother rushed me to Emergency and all signs are fine except my mind has completely taken over and for the 2nd time in my life i've had to try meds. This time its called Paxil (20mg) and he gave me Ativan (1mg) as well for the hard nights. Is anyone else on the same things? And how is it going being on them? What helps all of you sleep at night?

11-12-2008, 05:31 PM
While I'm not on Paxil anymore and have never tried Ativan let me suggest that you try some relaxation/breathing techniques before you go to sleep.

This might sound rather silly but what i do is get comfortable, close your eyes, take a deep breath (count to 5 while inhaling). You'll be able to feel your belly rise (this is good, it means that you're breathing with your diaphragm), then exhale (count to 6). Keep this up until you feel relaxed.

You can also talk to yourself, while your breathing, in your head start to relax yourself, say "i can feel all the anxiety, stress and negativity draining down past my scalp... eyes, nose, mouth...." and so on. If it helps try picturing yourself as a container (like a gallon of water) that you just turned over, the water line goes down as all the stuff (i.e. negativity) drains right out of you.

I hope that made sense.