View Full Version : The feeling of a setback may be looming

05-14-2017, 10:40 PM
So this past week I had lost my grandpa that I was very very close with. The past yr I have been dealing with what I assume was anxiety and depression. I seaked a counselor and proceeded from there, not on any type of meds! Well things were looking a bit better, the anxiety and depression were still here just not as bad as when I first seen it. Now the sudden passing of pop really has me thinking this could be a huge set back for me. I really have no other close family. My pap and mom were the closest to me and they got ripped from me so sudden. Now more than ever I have a huge fear of death and what's after. It does depress me knowing the unknown. Its odd because I never use to be like this at all. So its all very confusing to me... I listen to my doctors ect and they all think it stems from me holding those grief feelings in. Who knows he may be right. Set backs are never good and hopefully just hopefully this isn't one!

05-15-2017, 04:28 AM
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, friend. My heart goes out to you. Your post brought tears to my eyes, and I wish I could give you a hug. I know how difficult and painful it must be for you. Your memories of your grandpa will always be with you. It hurts, and yet the hurting isn’t all bad, because it’s a part of the love you feel for him. I recently lost my dad and it was unexpected. It still hurts and I miss him so very much. Though I don’t have words to convey my care and concern over the pain which you shared, I said a prayer for you, and I hope that God will surround you with His comfort and peace, and provide the strength and help you need at this time. It’s good that you’re seeking counseling. I know it’s not easy right now, but I urge you to stay strong. Sending hugs & prayers your way!

05-16-2017, 11:25 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss. Loss and grief are never easy, but I'm sure we all are here for you in the best ways we can be.

As the previous poster mentioned, I too have you in my thoughts and prayers and will hope and pray for the best. The days are bright outside and the summer (if you're in the northern hemisphere) is approaching. Perhaps this would be a good time to find a good place to vacation or spend some quality time with yourself / friends? That has always helped me during rough periods.

Best wishes and warm regards.