View Full Version : Train seat OCD

05-09-2017, 01:12 PM
Today I sat in a train seat but I wasnt sure if it was just cold or wet so now I'm worried it's urine on the seat and I have to throw away my new jeans. My hands felt dirty like I had been to the toilet due to the worry.

I sniffed the jeans but don't smell urine.

05-09-2017, 07:56 PM
Today I sat in a train seat but I wasnt sure if it was just cold or wet so now I'm worried it's urine on the seat and I have to throw away my new jeans. My hands felt dirty like I had been to the toilet due to the worry. I sniffed the jeans but don't smell urine. lên cho anh em cần

05-09-2017, 08:14 PM
The seat was just cold and if it was urine, you would surely smell it, as the smell of urine is very strong. Don't worry, just wash the jeans and you will be OK.

Barong Baj Baj
07-03-2017, 05:27 PM
Sounds unpleasant mate, but just a set back. Get back on the horse and try again