View Full Version : Dating Advice - Part Two!

05-08-2017, 02:28 PM
Me and my colleague have been texting each other every day for the past two weeks.

Last Thursday, I decided to invite him along with my sister for a day out to London Dungeon and for a boat cruise.

I bought some gifts for him and picked up two pebbles for him when I went to Brighton the previous day. I gave them all to him.

The day we all spent together, my colleague made it clear that he wanted me to sit and talk to him through out the day. It was fairly difficult trying to do both with my colleague and my sister. But when me and my colleague sat together, he was happy. Hugging me. Putting our knees together.

As soon as we sat on the boat together, we embraced for a very long time. We talked about what we were both looking for. A close friendship going out places together and if things get serious between us. Then we will give it a go.

We had our first meal together. We talked about the different places we are going to go like the movies, theatre. He even asked me how I felt about going away on a weekend together?

There was a lot of chemistry between us. We even discussed when we realised we were falling for each other.

We discussed that when we are in work. We must act professional and not to be over each other. We will keep it between us both.

That same night, he texted me thanking me for being me. How much he can't wait to make me happy and how happy he was having me in his life.

We remained talking via text every day.

Our next activity is planned for this saturday - a movie and dinner.

I decided to do a bank shift on Saturday just gone. He appeared a little upset when I came in. He informed he was going to phone me to ask me out for dinner. Looking back, I am glad that I came into work.

Whenever we are in work in person, the chemistry is strong. We can't keep our eyes of each other.

The following evening, he was working at another project. He left early to come and be with me during work. As soon as he came back and we were alone, we couldn't keep our eyes of each other. He was constantly coming up to me. Hugging me and leaning forward to kiss me on the cheek.

As soon as I sat next to him. That was it. Things started to heat up. He was rubbing my back. Kissing my face. Pulling me closer towards him. Somehow I kept telling him no. It was kinda too fast for me. I continued to sit next to him. As soon as I got up, I got him staring at me from across the room. We finished on time and we didn't embrace down the road in case we are seen.

Later on, he sent me a text wishing me good night and put a x at the end. The first time he has done this. For the past two weeks, he has been sending me good night texts.

This morning, he sent me a text wishing me good luck with my driving lesson and out another x in it.

He has been saying quite a few times his looking forward to saturday.

I kinda wanted to find out what are his expectations around Saturday? Because if things turn intimate between us. Obviously we need to discuss around safety precautions.

So I texted him today to find out. It took him about 4 mins to respond. His response was very short and he obviously wanted to avoid it. Informing he is just about to finish work. let's just go out for a meal and see the movie. Let's go out and spend time together and asked me if that is okay?

So I kinda reminded him how we were last night extremely close. He informed he feels close. But he doesn't want me to be upset.

I am the one who wants to know by the end of the date that nothing is gonna happen hence why I need to know if that is something he is expecting? Especially as his the one who has been sending kisses via text. Coming on to me whenever we are alone.

I know he has a history of commitment issues.

I am extremely confused at his behaviour and what his saying?

Can anyone advice or see things from a different angle?

05-23-2017, 11:29 AM
Having the serious talk about safety precautions seems too early to me. Just be prepared for it, if push comes to shove bring it up.

As for the texting, 4 minutes is a very quick response while you make it sound it's a very long response.
He could've been on the toilet, in an elevator, doing all kinds of stuff that warrant a slow response. (I sometimes respond days later to texts)

I think what is important here - is not what his expectations are - but what YOURS are.
What do YOU want?
Why is it so important that you know what his expectations are?
What are you afraid will happen?

To me it seems it will be very hard for you to enjoy the evening if you are focused on what MIGHT happen afterward.
My advice - enjoy the dinner and the movie.
And see what happens next.