View Full Version : Anyone here experience brain zaps without taking any medications?

05-01-2017, 05:46 PM
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05-02-2017, 09:39 AM
Hi zaykaywill. Sorry to hear you're still struggling with these brain zaps. I have not experienced these myself, but I know others with anxiety have.

I would encourage you to read this article for more clarity - http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms/brain-zaps

Anxietycentre has been helping anxiety sufferers for over 26 years. Jim folk, the founder, experienced these brain zaps you are experiencing as well and made a full recovery. They see this problem with their clients too and have seen people with this problem make a full recovery. They have seen others that experience this problem, rarely, frequently, and (in your case) persistently. I would encourage you to listen to Jim's audio commentary on that link too, as he goes into more detail about his personal experience with them.

05-03-2017, 05:11 PM
I've been experiencing these very odd sensations in my head for over 2 years. Constantly. I wanna believe that they're brain zaps but from the research I've done brain zaps only last a few seconds at most, not so much a constant thing. These sensations literally never go away period. Not one second goes by when I don't feel these sensations. I figured maybe it was withdrawal from Adderall, but I stopped taking that 2 years ago.

Hi Pal,

Yes, remember this is just extreme anxiety. You can call me again if you want to chat.
