View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this???

04-30-2017, 01:36 PM
I have always been someone gravely concerned about the future, and when I entered high school it reached a point where I was becoming anxious and depressed over it. There are some times (like recently) where I am able to let go of some of those fears, but they always come back (this usually happens when I am off from school and have to go back soon.)
I have no goals for college beyond wanting to study abroad, and the lack of goals scares me. The only thing I really want to do is leave the country and travel around for most of my life. It sounds like an exciting adventure, but I can't help but think that this isn't what I'm "supposed to do." Everyone tells me that I need to go to an ivy league school, study something marketable and get a high paying job (which is what all my friends are doing. I want them to acknowledge that this approach is terrible and will only lead to their own misery.) I want to be free and change the world. I want to do what I love and do something amazing. I don't want to be remembered as a lawyer, or banker, or accountant, but someone that changed the world we know (like those people that go to Africa and help people or something.)
Right now I desperately need encouragement.
It doesn't feel like I'm getting the support I need from anyone. Everyone around me is so negative and focused on money and "success" (their definition of success, not mine) that it makes me want to push them away. I want to surround myself with dreamers, optimists and risk takers (that can still be rational.) I want to meet people that have real goals, not just "get degree, make lots of money, die."

Does anyone else feel this way about the people around them? Anyone in the same boat as me?
If yes, how do you deal with this?

04-30-2017, 09:04 PM
Hey bluepaintcan,

With the way things are heading the "successful" people will be the ones who are most adaptable. I actually find it hard to believe there are still people who believe in that whole "American dream" thing. I'm not saying money won't be necessary but people will need to be innovative and creative - dreamers, optimists and risk takers as you say. So in my opinion you're on the right track.

I actually did a Business (Marketing) degree at one of Australia's best universities and graduated in the top 15%. I was never successful though because of my problems with anxiety and addiction. I wish someone had have told me back then that it wasn't something I was suited to but no. I even got into a double degree (Arts/Marketing) and dropped the Arts when I should have dropped the Marketing!

My daughter finishes high school next year and I'm encouraging her to travel/work before doing any tertiary education and thinking about a career. I encourage you to do the same :)

All the best,
Gypsy x

05-01-2017, 03:33 AM
Did my comment get deleted?

05-01-2017, 03:52 AM
Did my comment get deleted?

If your comment disappeared it'd be a glitch in the system rather than any admins deleting it. Try posting it again (if you can be bothered) :)

05-01-2017, 05:38 PM
I always planned on going to college, I just wanted to go on an adventure afterwards. I have no idea what I want to do with my life so I don't want to waste it doing things that won't make me happy.
The minimum degree I want is a bachelors degree and I might consider a Masters degree if I get accepted into a really good college. The degree will probably not be in anything "useful", though.

05-01-2017, 09:28 PM
oh man, everytime i post, it says admin to approve post and then its not there the next day :(

05-01-2017, 09:29 PM
maybe because its too long, lucky i saved it ill send it seperately

05-01-2017, 09:29 PM
Pretty much i got chills reading the post as i thought exactly the same thing and still somewhat do. So you are not alone. In fact you are never alone, there is always going to be someone who feels exactly the same as you do. I do think allot of people feel like this although know one talks about it, why would people they have other distractions and more important things to worry about then that sinking feeling in there body and that thought that there not doing what they are suppose to and to follow there heart.

05-01-2017, 09:31 PM
To me, your thinking process is the most pure and clever way of thinking out there. Almost everybody I have ever met has always thought they could have done more, or followed there heart more. But they didn't, they listened to people that told them, to become these corporate people. Don't you find it co-incidental that everybody wants to become all of the same things but everybody takes it differently?

05-01-2017, 09:32 PM
So you will have two people who want to become the same thing, one gets there easily with minimal struggle (that person is able to avoid these feelings), the other gets there but has to go through allot of doubt, and range of emotions, why? because more then likely he didnt want to follow in this path so naturally he doesn't want to, and has the harder path.

05-01-2017, 09:33 PM
He also does the job works his way around things but soon realises it wasn't cut out for him. To me that guy is more courageous, he is successful and a leader. Why because he followed his heart, his passion and what he was born to do.

05-01-2017, 09:35 PM
So to answer your question I have been in the same boat, except I was paddling the damn thing lol. To me you are more then normal, and this is the first step. Im proud of you and cant wait to here your response back (thats why i was so shattered when my comment got deleted because it was awesome).

Sorry, its annoying to read but it wont let me post continually. Or you can email me at johnny at ipumpme dot com :)