View Full Version : Dating Advcie!

04-30-2017, 07:59 AM
Hi Guys

Thank you for your ongoing support.

I don't have much experience when it comes to dating nor relationships. I don't know what to expect. I don't know what to do, say or respond.

I am at the early stages of the guy I am seeing. He is older and more experienced than I am. He shows a lot of interest. Says the right things and does the right things. Sending out all the right signals. We are taking things slow. Texting each other. He is not afraid to flirt via text. Although I kinda clam up and don't know how to respond.

We have arranged to go out on our first date around 13th May. I am off next week from work. I have invited him out for an activity to join me and my sister next week. Despite he has strong anxiety. He informed me he is up for coming. He texts me nearly every day and likes my posts and shares pictures of my facebook.

But I kinda feel nervous on how to respond. Just don't know what to do due to my lack of experience.

I really like him and find him a lovely guy who I do want to get to know and see how things go.

Any advice?

05-04-2017, 06:44 AM
First and foremost, from being in a relationship for 10 years - be yourself whether it's good or bad for the person you're dating. IMO, if they want to be with you they will take the good with the bad and see you for who you really are as a person. You will become more and more comfortable being with them the more you share your true feelings and self.

As far as responding to texts and messages, that's kind of a gray area because you can't really portray emotions in a real human sense through those types of communication. My wife and I used to stay on the phone all night with each other (yes back when we were in high school texting really hadn't spread its wings). We as a species haven't really caught up with all the new forms of communication and how to fully interact with each other through them in a meaningful way, so it's normal that some times you wouldn't know what to say or how to respond. Roll with it, if he's into you he will understand if you tell him straight up. No one's perfect, this is just the beginning. Good luck, keep us posted!
