View Full Version : Panic Attacks & Worsened Anxiety Due To Grief?

04-28-2017, 06:29 PM
My dad passed just a little over a week ago, and this is the first time I've ever lost anyone that close to me before. My anxiety and panic is through the roof. I've had GAD and panic disorder since I was 7 (which later worsened at age 11), but it comes in spells. I seemed to be doing pretty okay until this happened. I can't seem to get the idea of death and the future and the general unknown out of my mind. Nothing but "what if" and being skeptical has been swirling in my mind. Questioning the reality of everything and if anything is even real or matters. I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, and even if they haven't, if they have advice on tips to stop over-thinking / over-analyzing / worrying / driving myself insane about everything? And how long did the worst of it last, if you've had similar experiences. Thank you all ahead of time. <3

Edit: I've been on Sertraline (generic Zoloft) since I was 11, just in varying doses. I'm not sure if a raise in dosage would help, but I'm already at 100mg, and I have been for over three years now. But I'd also like to find a way to cope as well, not only depend on medication (although it has helped me very much throughout the years).

04-29-2017, 11:16 PM
Hi Brooke and welcome :)

Grief can indeed manifest as anxiety. A few years ago my daughter moved interstate with her father and I was absolutely devastated. I'd been off all medication AND alcohol for three years but when I found out about that my anxiety went through the roof and I started drinking again just to take the edge off it.

Then my brother overdosed (accidentally) on heroin. To be honest, the grief over my daughter was worse because it was part of a very long story involving my Narcissistic ex-husband, which has become some sort of Complex PTSD. My brother's death was much "neater" and people understand your grief when someone dies.

But anyway, I ended up back on meds (Lexapro) AND I was drinking again after 3 years of sobriety. I'm still on meds now but sober. I think if you're predisposed to anxiety any traumatic event can set it off. My advice is to be kind to yourself.

All the best,
Gypsy x

The Intolerable Kid
05-01-2017, 06:10 AM
Sorry about the loss of your father.
In similar situations I usually sink into depression, but I have experienced anxiety as well. When we started making arrangements after my grandmother died I actually fled the building. It was when we were putting together her obituary, for some reason listening to her life get summed up, itemized and listed really stressed me out badly. I don't have any tips that would help, everything I tried (even medication) failed me then. I just had to get through it and it was a very difficult year. Good luck to you.