View Full Version : Startled

04-21-2017, 08:46 AM
Ok this will be hard to explain but here goes. I was diagnosed years ago with Panic Anxiety Disorder. Most of the time my medicine does a great job. About a month ago due to lots of stress at work I have a little anxiety which causes some dizziness which will go away in time (now comes the weird thing) For the past month I get startled very easily. Examples that startle me and even makes me jump sometimes. Looking the computer and anything I see that has to do with heights, a picture, short film on facebook I get startled real bad and quick. Now it is to the point quick movements on a TV will do it. Does or has anyone else experienced this due to anxiety???

04-25-2017, 10:56 AM
I've never experienced this per se, but I definitely am more jumpy overall when I am anxious. Your body is being flooded with adrenaline and cortisol when you are anxious/panicky, same as it would be in the fight/flight response, so your body is ready to run from danger at the slightest provocation. Since this seems to be a new thing, perhaps you are expecting it to happen so it does, like a self fulfilling prophecy. I guess being a little startled is better than full blown panic, so maybe your meds are still doing their job pretty good. Once the incident passes, are you still anxious and jumpy or do you feel fine again?

04-25-2017, 02:06 PM
Thanks for your reply. It is the craziest thing and is driving me crazy. My wife and I were watching TV last night and so many commercials have height or things moving fast involved. I litterly jump and have to turn my head away from the TV.. It's constant. Even some pictures I see on FB etc. make me jump. CRAZY!! As far as panic attacks I am good there thank God. I have been more anxious than normal and dizzy for about a month or so, so my doctor is switching medicines. Thanks again for your reply

04-25-2017, 05:41 PM
Sounds good! Hope the new meds help. There is no such thing as a weird anxiety symptom, it can cause so many things. I've been dealing with anxiety going on 20 years and every so often I'll get a symptom that just makes me go... Wtf? Like last bad panic attack I had I was shivering and my teeth chattering like I was cold though I wasn't. It was weird. The key is always to remember it is just anxiety and it's not gonna kill you. Pain in the butt though.

04-25-2017, 07:40 PM
I don't like heights anyway, as it can make me feel dizzy. I remember we were on vacation in Seattle one year and we were high up in some sort of tower and we were outside and the tower was tilted and I began to feel weird, so I had to go back inside as the tilting did not feel as bad inside.

04-26-2017, 04:36 AM
You are so right on no such thing as a weird symptom. I am 53 and I was diagnosed about 10 years ago but I think I had it many years before that. ( I would feel slightly dizzy and anxious ) Just didn't give it a thought and didn't even know what anxiety/panic attacks were. Finally I had full blown panic attacks and ended up in the ER about 4 times. I had pretty much the same symptoms you just explained. Thought I was going to die. For the next couple months I had every test known to man done. It took forever for a doctor to diagnose me. I was in denial but soon realized he was right. Overall have been pretty good but like you said it's a pain in the butt. Just wish I could figure out what the heck is going on with being jumpy or startled when I see certain things on TV and the computer. Have a great day

04-26-2017, 04:38 AM
I am with you on the heights. When I was young it did not bother me. The older I get the worse I had them. A 5 foot step ladder is my limit. I have been to the beach many times with the kids and have been on a high floor at a condo. Not fun