View Full Version : Update!

04-18-2017, 12:02 PM
Work has been going really well.

Last week, I and my two colleagues had a real good afternoon together. My recent colleague left. So it's me and two males left (i refer them both as my two boys). One of whom I like.

Anyway, I have been meaning to talk to my colleague about a non work subject. I am shy about talking to him. But today he guessed and asked If I wanted to ask him out? Then he said, Do I wanna move in with him? At the time, he sat there smiling whilst saying these both questions. My mouth just opened in shock and I didn't know what to say. He sat there smiling. But I assured it was not those two things. But he kinda guessed it was about wanting to socialise more together outside of work. Which I informed he was going to have to wait.

Last Friday afternoon, I went to speak to my colleague. He had really bad hayfever. We both finished our shift and walked down the road together. As we walked down the road, his symptoms started to show. He had no tissues. He was sneezing really bad. As I walked next to him, he had nothing to wipe his nose.

I quickly popped into the shop and picked up some tissues for him. Gave it to him which he was grateful for. I felt this pull towards him.

When it came to saying goodbye, he asked me if I had his personal number. Which I informed I have on my work phone. He offered for me to save his personal number on my personal phone and we can text each other.

I walked away like wow!!!!

Yesterday was quite a wierd day for me.

I had texted my colleague the other day and didn't get a response back. I kinda guessed, he was shy and didn't know how to react. I backed off and left it for three days until I saw him in work.

I went work into yesterday. I, him and another colleague had a meeting. I could sense the shy guy giving me eye contact. Everytime I looked his direction, he quickly looked away. I think, it's to do with the text.

Later, when it was just me and him working together. I offered to buy him a meal from the shop. When I came back, he offered to cook my meal. Stirred it up and gave me a fork. When he went to put the plate down in front of me, he said, here you go my darling. I was talking to another colleague in the office at the time. When he cooked my meal, me and my colleague looked at each other in shock.

Later he worked at another project. When I rang him, his hello on the phone was really welcoming.

Then later on when he returned back from the project. Another male colleague came on site. We all sat down and the shy guy seemed to avoid me. He was confident with making plans to watch a football game with the male colleague in a few weeks time. He sat talking confidentality with the male staff but hardly said anything to me.

When we left work, he just darted straight out and walked with the male colleague.

When he came into today, he appeared very sluggish. But was talking to me. Smiling and asking me if I like curry? What foods do I like cooking?

I asked if we could talk tomorrow? Everytime I ask if we can talk - he always smiles. I get the impression he thinks I wanna ask him out.

I later asked him if he kept my number or deleted it? He confirmed he kept it as I am a mate!!!!

I just wanna be outside friends.

To be honest, I am fairly confused with the mixed signals.