View Full Version : Music Helping Us All

11-09-2008, 02:01 AM
I believe since 8 or 9 years ago when i was diagnosed with
my anxiety dis-order, i became a bigger music fan.

It is one of the two things i would suggest to a individual
that would help relax them.
It is obviously a universal Language and people can hear pain
and happiness in all sorts of sounds.

My Second thing i would suggest trying is Marijuana.

I am no new age hippie but i believe certain strains of Sativa and Indica
can relax a individual and help release some forms of medication.

I am not saying everyone should try,Hell we all have our own Cocktails
of medication that is just right for everyone of us.

I am not trying to break that cycle but just mere suggestions.
if anyone would like to ask any question regarding that?
and how much you should intake..please PM me.


11-09-2008, 05:38 AM
hi culljosh welcome to the boards!

i'm glad you find music a support, i too love love love music. i find that singing makes me release and relax and i always feel so happy after a lesson or practice session :)

unfortunately i'll have to burst your bubble on marijuana though lol. in fact this drug is really not recommended for people who suffer with anxiety as it is well known to actually trigger panic and anxiety and even those heart palpitations i saw you mention in an earlier post. it is even known to lead to panic and anxiety disorders rather than just random attacks. i know universally it is thought to relax you, but the truth is that everyone reacts differently to different drugs and for some people marijuana is not helpful at all. you could try easing up on it and seeing if it helps you out any bit?

11-09-2008, 03:50 PM
Hi Northstar.

Well I have tried easing up on the usage.
I smoke anywhere to 1.2 to 2.0 grams of
certain strains with 'less paranoia'.
This leading and triggering anxiety attacks most.

Like said before in a previous post,Everyone has their own
Cocktail they take to make their Manic Depression and Anxiety Attacks
Either stay dormant or not come along at all.

I have easily been doing this for Years. Being 24 and Starting when i Was 15. I do not Suggest it to Everyone,Especially since it is Illegal, and cant
be pursued For medical use,Unless one lives on the West Coast.

As far as music goes. Yes it is a very very important part of my
everyday life, I loved it since i was 11.
It seriously is one of the best ways to cope with all the things we
go through.

The album I suggest is:Explosions in the sky-The Rescue E.P.


11-09-2008, 04:58 PM
Ok you may use marijuana, and that is your choice, but stop recommending other people take it. Yes, because taking drugs is always a good idea isnt it! It is like recommending to people to smoke cigarettes because you like smoking them regardless of the health implications. Drugs such as marijuana are proven to cause mental health problems including anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, depression and various other problems, so I really dont see why anyone who suffers with mental health issues would want to make their problems worse in the long run by adding to them by taking drugs. It is bad enough having anxiety let alone becoming a druggie with anxiety!

11-09-2008, 06:22 PM
Can I suggest something? Ok you may use marijuana, and that is your choice, but stop recommending other people take it. Yeah because taking drugs is always a good idea isnt it! It is like recommending to people to smoke cigarettes because you like smoking them! regardless of the health implications. Drugs such as marijuana are proven to cause mental health problems including anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia and various other problems, so I really dont see why anyone who suffers with mental health issues would want to make their problems worse in the long run by adding to them by taking drugs. There are plenty of people on this forum including myself who suffer with anxiety, depression and all other problems, and I know personally that if I touched drugs that my problems would spiral It is bad enough having anxiety let alone becoming a druggie with anxiety!
WHoa whoa.
As you could read in my previous post.
I smoke it and Do not recommend it cause its Illegal.

You act like I a on here merely suggesting Lets take drugs.
No, i am not.

I do have a problem with Anxiety Attacks and Manic Depression.
I have coped and had this problem for over 8 years now.
Since i was a small boy.

Truly also you cannot say if you touched or tried something
your life could spiral down.

I can truly say i am a proud Marijuana smoker,
and knowing my attacks, There are certain strains of grass
with less paranoia than others.
All this aside, If marijuana can and will help
with stomach pain, as they proved with
Caner patients im sure it can be used in medicinal sense.

The Brixton Academy in London did a study of marijuana
last year and a major result, was You lose as many Brain Cells
smoking a joint as you do....Get this?
When you type a e-mail or a message to someone in front of a computer.

So you see,Should i throw computers out of my life,no.
To tell you the truth anyday i will rather smoke some good pot
then let this Xanax eat away my kidneys like it does to everyone.

So my point, Things in life are sometimes not what they seem.
Some things you might think are bad might just be good.
Of course some things that are grand might just be plain out horrible.

11-10-2008, 02:00 PM
Firstly the Brixton Academy in London is a music venue???! I am from the UK and I know of that place. and knowing that area I am quite sure many people who live there are pro the use of marijuana! however,
marijuana is an illegal drug and it has many side effects including anxiety, depression, paranoia and all the rest.
I know that it it can be used for help with certain diseases that cause a lot of pain, however it causes anxiety and mood changes and this has been proven many times. If you have those problems in the first place then why would you want to aggravate them by taking this drug?
What you choose to do is your own businessin and I respect that but personally I wld never touch drugs. I know of too many people who are suffering mental health problems due to long term smoking marijuana. Its enough having mental health problems without ever having taken drugs. I feel like I am on drugs sometimes without ever having touched them! Ever had depersonalization and derealization?
I dont take anything for how I feel with anxiety and I am recovering, simply by diet. exercise and lifestyle changes. I understand however that some people need prescribed medication from a doctor.
If I were to smoke marijuana I wld be tested positive for drugs at work , when they do random drug testing and therefore be sacked. I dont wish to become a druggie and if I smoked it then that is what I would be.
However you choose to smoke marijuana and that is your decision. I am just worried for you that it may make your anxiety worse in the long run.