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04-03-2017, 07:07 PM
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04-03-2017, 08:17 PM
Back in 2007, I had these weird sensations that felt like insects were crawling on top of my head. It was very irritating and was their quite often. I remember going to my ENT physician who I am very friendly with and at first I told him I had a scratchy throat, which I did. I then told him my other issue and he said maybe I am not seeing the right doctor. Then he said what do you want me to do. I said how about an MRI of the head and he said we have to make up a symptom so the insurance will pay so he said tinnitus. He said when you go for the MRI be sure to say tinnitus. I had the brain MRI, which was negative. Later I was told that tension in your neck, shoulders and back can cause odd head sensations.

04-03-2017, 10:07 PM
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04-04-2017, 01:38 AM
As I have worked through various techniques to create big improvements in my anxieties etc. I have found that the tinnitus in my left ear was getting worse. I got to a point where I could feel a real vulnerability in the left side of my upper body. I eventually came to learn that I had suffered a physical trauma in this area of my body that previously I was completely unaware of.

It might be worth checking out a therapist with experience of using Brainspotting. This is a development of EMDR that is having a lot success with trauma.

Just because we can't recall a trauma doesn't mean we haven't experienced one. The body and mind tends to bury it and it could have happened at a time we were too young to consciously remember.

04-06-2017, 08:25 AM
I have been on anti anxiety medication as well and still it didn't do anything for me. Which is essentially what leads me to believe that it's not anxiety but something else entirely different.You shouldn't rule out anxiety just because an anti-anxiety med didn't work for you. There is no single med that works for everyone. We all respond differently to different meds. At the very least, I would talk to a therapist about it, or ask your family doc if you're not in any kind of therapy.

Also, while I never had that exact symptom, I have had symptoms that persist even when I don't feel panicky. In particular, pressure in the chest area. I get that often when I have no other symptoms. To the point that I recently had that checked out to make sure it wasn't something more serious. Anxiety and panic are strange beasts, my friend. Over the 20 years I've been dealing with panic disorder (on and off) what never ceases to fascinate me is the number of different ways your mind can mess with your body.

Back in 2007, I had these weird sensations that felt like insects were crawling on top of my head.Funny you should mention that. This recent recurrence of my panic brought this as a new symptom. I often feel there is a bug or something crawling on the top edge of my left ear right where it meets the temple. Weirdest feeling. Not particularly scary, but annoying more than anything.