View Full Version : Obsessing over the past, but not bad things, only the really good things.

04-03-2017, 05:22 PM
I'm new here, my name is Sarah and in 21 years old. I struggle with anxiety daily, but the last 2 years it's gotten worse. Life changes have caused horrible anxiety for me and I need help :(

I obsess over the past every day. But not bad things like you'd expect, I only obsess about the good memories and happy times that I miss like crazy. I can't seem to accept that nothing will ever be that way again and I need to move on. Has anyone else done this but actually been able to stop? I'm wasting my life away by living in he past when there's nothing I can do about it :(

04-04-2017, 01:43 AM
If you had to put down in a short sentence what it is that bothers you most about the past what would you write?

You may be giving a hint when you say... "I can't seem to accept that nothing will ever be that way again".

The key is finding the fear that is driving this behaviour. And being honest about it.

If you're willing to take this step then let me know and I can send you a powerful technique I've been using that has dissolved my fears.