View Full Version : Dealing with failed attempt to leave medication

04-03-2017, 03:32 AM
My partner is being dealing with some severe anxiety issued for some years now. He has been medicated for almost 2 years and his doctor thought it was a good time to quit.

He did it all by the book, as per doctor's orders, and yesterday he was free of medication finally.

He was nautious and a bit indisposed, but the doctor had told him that could happen, so we thought it was normal.

Then by 16pm he had a full blown panic attack, completely out of control.

I help him through it, and calmed him down as I should. He's trying to contact his doctor, to see if he should resume medication or not.

I can't help feeling defeated. I'm down and depressed today and I even took it out on my crazy cat this morning. I'm angry. I'm sad.

I'm kind of looking for support from other family members, as some times this seems so much to handle.

04-03-2017, 10:33 AM

Sadly, some people are hit badly by withdrawal effects. It's usually a bit of a whirlwind coming off of an anti-depressant, but things do calm down eventually. Perhaps your husband could ask his doctor for some benzos, just for short-term relief when the worst of the withdrawal effects hit.

May I ask what drug he was taking? Some are known to be worse than others when it comes to stopping.

salvator here
04-03-2017, 02:44 PM
Have to agree completely with Martin. A Benzo was the only thing to help me get off Effexor. That was many years ago though and things are different now, and depending on where you from, doctors are not handing out Benzo's so easily as they used to. I can't even get 5MG Valium and it is the only thing that (truly) helps with my anxiety and I don't abuse it by any means. But if he can't get even an Ativan for the short term, I'd bet it would do wonders during the WD phase. Some meds are harder than others to get off, Such as Effexor; It was pure hell and I'll never forget it; ever! Took months to even feel well enough to get out and do something. But it does get better given time and eating right and trying to get proper sleep.

04-04-2017, 02:05 AM
Thank you for your answers, but I'm not looking for advice on medication. He is being followed by a doctor and he has prescribed what he thinks is best.

I was really looking from the support of some family members who could have gone through this before, in order to deal with my feelings regarding all this. But maybe there are no family members around here.

04-04-2017, 02:33 AM
What you feel is natural. I am on the side of your partner but I know from how my wife has been, and what she tells me, that it can be very frustrating for the other half. After all you just want things to be right for him so you both can get on with enjoying your life together. And this thing is stopping that so you feel frustration and annoyance towards it.

One thing that might help you is something called Journalling. This is where we write out our frustrations. There is a lot of research that shows that this is healthy and improves things mentally and physically. By writing them out, in an uncontrolled and unlimited way, we are discharging the built up frustrations safely.

If you search in Google... Ebook – Journaling for Health Georgie Oldfield... you will find a good book on it.