View Full Version : How much will you do to overcome your anxiety?

04-02-2017, 01:15 PM
I have had to do a ton of self-work to work through my issues.

I wonder how many other people are actually willing to go through a change process to change their life?

Are you willing to put effort into changing?

I come across a lot of people reluctant to make the first step. They know they have something they would like changing but the idea of change seems to scare them.

We can only view the future through our current fears. If start imagining being free of our fears then that may well freak us out as we are viewing some future event through our fear glasses. At the moment we can't just take them off.

04-02-2017, 01:54 PM
Years ago, I was reluctant to take the first step and get the psychiatric help that I needed, especially since I didn't know how my family would react when I told them that I needed the help. But I couldn't live that way anymore. Hence, I became more afraid to not get the help and decided to get the help because of it.

And I'm glad I did.

04-03-2017, 01:34 AM
I have had to do a ton of self-work to work through my issues.

I wonder how many other people are actually willing to go through a change process to change their life?

Are you willing to put effort into changing?

I come across a lot of people reluctant to make the first step. They know they have something they would like changing but the idea of change seems to scare them.

We can only view the future through our current fears. If start imagining being free of our fears then that may well freak us out as we are viewing some future event through our fear glasses. At the moment we can't just take them off.

My guess is about 25% are willing to do the work, and this is not just anxiety but for any disorder that requires taking responsibility and taking the time to change habits and lifestyle. Maybe a little higher for non mental stuff since it impacts their identity less.

04-03-2017, 02:16 AM
There has to come a realisation at some point that the most effective work comes from what we do with ourselves inside... not tablets, supplements, manipulations, having others work 'on us' etc.

There has to come a point where we say there is something that needs my attention inside of me... because of fear and anxiety driving things like perfectionism this can be a hard step to take.... to take ownership of ourselves... to say the problem is within me. It helps to realises that How we are is not of our making. It is not our choice we find ourselves in the position we are. We avoid blame by accepting this is how it is for the time being and start the process of change.