View Full Version : Gotta Grab Hold Of Life By The Horns!

04-01-2017, 02:23 AM
Post by thatright on 9 minutes ago
Hey guys

Okay. So as the title says with my latest situation - I chose to grab hold of life by the horns. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

I stood by this saying and it gave me a lot of confidence to ask my colleague out.

Basically I offered my colleague to come along with me to Covent Garden this morning. I know he is a very socially ackward person. So he bascially informed that he was meeting a friend to watch football and then said he would rather wait for our male colleague to come back and be present and wished me to have a fun day.

I made it clear that I was only asking as friends and nothing more. He replied that's fine and to have fun.

I know from our previous night out, he was feeling anxious through out the night especially as we are work colleagues. He was under the impression before that it was more like a date when it wasn't. His more comfortable with the male thing hanging out with males but since I am a female and a work colleague - this appears to be making him more anxious.

Towards the end of the messaging he appeared like he needed space.

I don't regret asking at all and look forward to facing the music next week.

What are your thoughts? How do I best manage the situation next?