View Full Version : How trustable are Psyc docs? Is there answer medicaton?

11-06-2008, 10:50 PM
Not sure where I belong. I was drugged with 10-12 mg of versed against my will and having issues getting over it. It's been almost a month and my pulse is still 30 beats higher and nothing but nightmares. Awake all I feel is hurt. No trust left in this world. And the last thing I would be willing to take would be drugs since that's the whole thing that got me here. The person wanted information out of me is the only reason I can think why I was drugged. They told me what they wanted to know and that I told them. When I think about it my pulse goes even higher. Is the best thing to try and forget it. I won't allow any medication of any kind. There is just so much mental hurt. It's not so much the fact they got what ever info they wanted as much as I was drugged against my will. That can really mess with your head... I know it was not my fault and don't blame my self other than not knowing never to trust any human alive. But it still happened and it's really tearing me to shreds. Everyone around me keeps telling me to just forget it and move on, still alive so just forget about it. They don't get it, it's not easy like that. And I don't remember any of it after I was drugged but was able to put the pieces together from talking to people to figure out what happened. Hopelessness is how I feel. Violated. And harmed by the overdose of meds. Trust is not repairable even with the best of help because I learned now to know better.

What do I do to get over this? Thanks.

11-07-2008, 01:12 PM
I am really sorry to hear how you are feeling. I would like to be able to help with advice, but just a little confused. Who drugged you against your will??? You asked how trustable are physc docs...were you administered drugs against your will by a pyschiatrist? Please provide a little more info and I will try and offer some advice. Take care.

11-08-2008, 09:07 AM
I was undergoing a med procedure and they had an IV line in me for an "emergency". The doctor performing the procedure midway through decided to drug me hard core. There was no reason to do it we were almost done. Nothing was done after to justify being drugged. The doc stated that I said no and he didn't do it. Totally tried to hide it from me. He did a whole lot. Then used that info he got to share with my family. I am well over 18 too no consent verbal (said no) for the drugs he gave me, no consent to discuss anything with anyone else. Drugged me enough versed to where nothing could wake me up. Not mentally out, but sleeping out and kept me out for a while. No one will go near me with any type of mind drug ever again. Its the drugs that are causing my mental hurt. Taking more of them will do more harm to get over this. I have always had serious issues with taking any kind of drug that does stuff like this. My pulse is returning to more normal each day. I don't know if it was stress or a reaction to the med. I'm still as up set.

11-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the reply. I am really sorry about what has happened. If your pulse is beginning to settle then thats a good thing.I can understand you being upset over what happened and feeling violated. Have you thought of complaining about the treatment you received? If you were not happy with the way you were dealt with then there are complaints procedures you can go through. Ok, it will never take away what you went through and are going through but at least it may help you somewhat, in being able to direct your anger and frustration in a positive way over the way you felt you were treated. If ever I feel I have not been properly treated I always complain and have done so in the past regarding treatment from a doctor. I complained and at the end of it all, I felt so much better for dealing appropriately with how I felt I had been treated. Before I complained I was full of resentment over what had happened. What you feel is not going to go away overnight, until you deal with how you are feeling and as well meaning as friends and family can be, you simply cannot put what happened to the back of your mind. They have not gone through what you went through so it is easy for them to say that.
Keep posting and let us know how you are.

11-09-2008, 01:44 AM
Not sure where I belong. I was drugged with 10-12 mg of versed against my will and having issues getting over it. It's been almost a month and my pulse is still 30 beats higher and nothing but nightmares. Awake all I feel is hurt. No trust left in this world. And the last thing I would be willing to take would be drugs since that's the whole thing that got me here. The person wanted information out of me is the only reason I can think why I was drugged. They told me what they wanted to know and that I told them. When I think about it my pulse goes even higher. Is the best thing to try and forget it. I won't allow any medication of any kind. There is just so much mental hurt. It's not so much the fact they got what ever info they wanted as much as I was drugged against my will. That can really mess with your head... I know it was not my fault and don't blame my self other than not knowing never to trust any human alive. But it still happened and it's really tearing me to shreds. Everyone around me keeps telling me to just forget it and move on, still alive so just forget about it. They don't get it, it's not easy like that. And I don't remember any of it after I was drugged but was able to put the pieces together from talking to people to figure out what happened. Hopelessness is how I feel. Violated. And harmed by the overdose of meds. Trust is not repairable even with the best of help because I learned now to know better.

What do I do to get over this? Thanks.

First off yes who drugged you? To get over these situations yes i would
imagine people saying to forget.
Of course these types of things are hard but it pays off.

The answer to anybodys questions about hurt is usually drugs.

Wether Legal or Illegal sometimes people are just better of forgetting.
I smoke Marijuana to cope with everyday life sometimes i think i escape
with it, but that escape with every inhale keeps me sane.
With that satisfaction, That should never ever be taken away from anyone.

So my advice, Take the drugs. I know the idea of something being inside
of you will be rough, or go along with the Placebo effect.
Take something in its place and trick your brain,
cause once it comes down to it, thats just what it is,
Your Brain.


11-09-2008, 06:09 PM

When you have necessary reason as far taking medicines and stuff still not
working i do suggest medicine.

I understand that anyone who needs help
and them trying on their own grounds
too figure this out.

Wether from Yoga to Meditation.

Basically I Smoke marijuana cause it works for me.

I am suggesting Medication cause
it sounds like something major is going on and Medicine might be needed.

I am not saying drugs of any form or fashion are a answer to anyones problems. Just some minor hiding of issues really.

being drugged for some reason sounds awful.
I just suggest this, Do what you need to do to feel Better!
That is what it all comes down too. Do whats needed to feel better!



11-17-2008, 07:38 PM
I do believe that medications, used properly and with the guidence of a caring and understanding doctor can always be extremely helpful. When I was in highschool I was on welbutrin and it helped me so much to work out issues I was having. Not only that, but the doctor I was seeing at the tme was very caring and would listen to what I had to say.
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles and imagining being drugged against my will is just awful. Forgetting is good, but facing and overpowering can also be a wonderful thing. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.