View Full Version : Think You're Alone Fighting Mental Illness? Think Again!

03-25-2017, 11:36 AM
Therapists often say to those struggling with mental illness that you're not alone in your fight against mental illness.

And they're right.

If you don't think so, take it from me, there are lots of people in mental hospitals who have mental health issues, to the point that mental hospitals are often near or at full capacity. It's not like mental hospitals are usually empty.

That, to me, shows that you're not alone fighting mental illness.

03-25-2017, 04:29 PM
Interesting claim. I hear it often:

Your right; mental illness is bursting at the seams this day and age. Sure it can be comforting to hear it like so, whilst at other times this well meaning claim can leave people feeling more guilty and worthless. My therapist is not very tactful when making such a point. I once asked her if I should come back at a different time so she can go out help all these others. It was a little reminder that we were there that day for my attention and not everyone else's.

Sure we are not alone - but I think comparing one's pain to anther's is a dangerous path to take. I'm thinking that such therputic claims are used more for as a gauge rather than the minimizing of one's pain. It's a good point, but its takes tact and skill to effectively get it across in a way that heals as opposed to not.

Does that make sense to anyone?

03-25-2017, 05:34 PM
As a clinical case I do tend to get bogged down Mike. Your on target with this claim and it does help to let go of what we cannot control. Life can always be tougher and its good to remind ourselves of so.

Thanks for reminding me.

03-25-2017, 07:52 PM
I agree with the previous posts.