View Full Version : Panic attacks. Please respond.

03-19-2017, 11:14 AM

So,around 9:00 last night I started feeling anxious. Quite bad. This morning and afternoon have been the same.

I feel like I'm losing control of my mind and I'm panicking. I feel like I'm going crazy.

Will this go?

Please also ask questions


03-19-2017, 12:52 PM
Tom, no emotion, either good or bad, continues forever. The anxieties you feel right now aren't permanent. They'll go away, especially if you seek treatment soon.

03-19-2017, 02:14 PM
Do you see a therapist or take meds? Also is this the first time you've had an anxiety attack? If you were born in 1992 you're older than I was when I started having mine. I always recommend seeing a therapist. It will be worth it. Good luck.

03-19-2017, 02:39 PM
Tom, no emotion, either good or bad, continues forever. The anxieties you feel right now aren't permanent. They'll go away, especially if you seek treatment soon.

Never had meds.

Is this permanent?

Feel I'm losing grip on reality

03-19-2017, 04:58 PM
Hi Tom and welcome :)

You aren't going crazy and it's not permanent. Those are some of anxiety's favourite tricks though.

Have you been under much stress lately? Basically, anxiety with no obvious cause is due to a sensitised nervous system - your fight or flight mechanism has gone a bit trigger-happy and you are on high alert for predators. Even though there are none, your body doesn't know that (which adds to the fear because you don't understand why you are scared, hence feeling crazy).

If this is your first experience with it I recommend a book like The DARE Response by Barry McDonagh. He explains what's going on, which can help stop some of the anxiety about going crazy (what Claire Weekes called the "second fear"). I will try and find something on YouTube for you..

Gypsy x

Here's Claire Weekes. Initially I was put off by how "old fashioned" she seemed but after listening to a few audiobooks I realised she was just ahead of her time. I recommend anything by her (the book I mentioned is very much along the same lines but more modern).
