View Full Version : Anyone else have any of these?

11-06-2008, 08:42 AM
-Waking up at the same time every night (4:00am) and rarely being able to go back to sleep.
-The need to constantly be with or in contact with (text, phone or email) with a spouse or loved one.
-First I was getting twitches, now no more twitches, now I have pins and needles in my hands, arms, legs and feet. Sometimes all over.
-Eye lid twitch.
-Sometimes vision fine, sometimes not.
-Physical problems that seem to happen only in certain places, school, work etc.
-Constantly moving, bouncing your leg, or walking around, or standing and rocking back and forth.
-Mouth problems, I must bite or push my tongue against my teeth constantly especially at night, because the sides hurt.
-A new symptom every few days. At first, I could ignore the ambiguous ones, "feeling weird or out of it" and nausea. Now I find it is becoming more tangible, twitches, aches and pains, heart palps.
-Constant need for reassurance. Either the internet or by loved ones (OR POSTING ON A MESSAGE BOARD!)
-Becoming emotional for very little reason.
-If you are feeling good before you go to bed, not wanting to go to sleep because you are not sure what tomorrow will be like.
-Not making long range plans, (vacations, etc.) because you are not sure about how you will be in the future.

11-06-2008, 09:05 AM
-Waking up at the same time every night (4:00am) and rarely being able to go back to sleep.
-The need to constantly be with or in contact with (text, phone or email) with a spouse or loved one.
-First I was getting twitches, now no more twitches, now I have pins and needles in my hands, arms, legs and feet. Sometimes all over.
-Eye lid twitch.
-Sometimes vision fine, sometimes not.
-Physical problems that seem to happen only in certain places, school, work etc.
-Constantly moving, bouncing your leg, or walking around, or standing and rocking back and forth.
-Mouth problems, I must bite or push my tongue against my teeth constantly especially at night, because the sides hurt.
-A new symptom every few days. At first, I could ignore the ambiguous ones, "feeling weird or out of it" and nausea. Now I find it is becoming more tangible, twitches, aches and pains, heart palps.
-Constant need for reassurance. Either the internet or by loved ones (OR POSTING ON A MESSAGE BOARD!)
-Becoming emotional for very little reason.
-If you are feeling good before you go to bed, not wanting to go to sleep because you are not sure what tomorrow will be like.
-Not making long range plans, (vacations, etc.) because you are not sure about how you will be in the future.

Hello Southside. When I first started experiencing anxiety I had the exact symptoms you are having. For about two weeks I had no idea what was wrong with me. I thought that I was losing it. I have only had anxiety for about 4 months. Its seemed to come from out of blue. Most of my physical symptoms have passed as I have started taking medication and talking with a therapist. I was feeling back to normal until I went out of town for a few days with friends. We did some partying and it was great to feel confident in doing those things which I had feared for months. But then on the way home I was already feeling crummy from the partying and I got lost and thats when it hit me again. I had an anxiety attack and now I cant seem fight off the anxiety. Now I to wake up very early in the mornings and am unable to go back to sleep. I always feel great at nights and I dont want to go to sleep because I know the sooner I do the sooner I will wake up and feel like crap. Its a terrible feeling knowing that every morning will be a struggle. Dont worry though you will get better. Try getting some excercise and talking to someone. The twitches and spasms will eventually go away. I found that once I embraced what was I feeling and starting taking steps to get better I did start to feel better. Once I finally started feeling myself again and not like I was in someone elses body all of the other stuff went away. Good luck to you.

11-06-2008, 09:25 AM
hallo southside :)

i'm sorry to see you in such distress. many of the symptoms you describe will sound familiar to other anxiety sufferers, so you are not alone. i have written a HUGE post about all the things you can do to help out with anxiety, you are very welcome to read it and take from it what you need :) this time last year i was turning into an anxious mess of a human being, but since then my life has totally turned around and i have discovered lots of reasons for anxiety and how to deal with them. i really hope you find some of this helpful, keep on posting and let us know how you're doing :)

click here for the post i mentioned: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

11-06-2008, 09:43 AM
Yeah, I'm going through the EXACT same thing.

I hate it.

11-06-2008, 10:01 AM
I'm a big hypochondriac. The pins and needles scare me because they started a few days ago and kind of randomly hit through out the day. They sometimes hurt and feel itchy?

I don't think I've ever had an anxiety attack. Sometimes for a few minutes or seconds, I'll think of something worrisome, and I get a weird warm feeling over my body and I start to breath fast, but that is usually short lived. I usually just kind of generally feel like this all the time. Some days are better than others.

For me, late night and morning are by far the worst. I don't want to even take a shower. I dread the thought of work and leaving my wife, but I can't stay home because I'll spend the day obsessing over my symptoms. I did feel really good for a few days and it was nice.

11-06-2008, 02:52 PM
I'm a hypochondraic as well. It's a vicious cycle. I try to tell myself it's just anxiety, but am never fully convinced. The pins and needles have me freaked out. I'm going to see a neurologist at the end of the month because I'm totally convinced I have MS or something. I'm terrified, but can't wait to find out it's only anxiety (I hope).

I ended up in the emergency room last week convinced I was having a heart attack. Everything checked out fine, but I still feel like they missed something.

I had horrible anxiety a few years ago and somehow overcame it. I wish I knew how that happened!

Then about a month ago I got a brain zap/shiver (which could've been caused by anxiety) and ever since then the slightest sensation sends me in to a state of panic. I have not relaxed for a month straight, and there has not been a second that goes by where I'm not self-testing and checking symptoms...I think I'm making myself sick and bringing on more panic attacks.

My Dr. gave me Xanax to get me through the month.

All my symptoms are anxiety symptoms, but they're also symptoms of other problems and I'm having a hard time accepting it's just anxiety.

I'm the worst in the afternoon, always a couple hours before it's time to leave work it seems to hit me. I call my parents crying hysterically around the same time every day. They're getting pretty fed up.

The evening is another bad time for me. I try so hard to relax, but can't. And I'm always jolting awake when I try to fall asleep. It's like my body/mind will not accept relaxation at all.

11-06-2008, 05:16 PM

I really hope you are ok. About 15 years ago, I was totally freaked out about my health. Then it went away. I remember about 3 months ago thinking about how horrible it was to constantly worry like that. Then BAM! It came back. That's probably what set me off. Like I told my wife, I would rather be a hypo with anxiety than actually have some terrible disease. Keep in touch and let me/us know how it turns out.

Thanks for your encouraging words.

11-07-2008, 01:05 PM
Thank you very much. It does help to know I'm not the only one going through this...but it sucks that anyone has to and I hope you get feeling better as well.

11-07-2008, 04:36 PM
-Waking up at the same time every night (4:00am) and rarely being able to go back to sleep.
-The need to constantly be with or in contact with (text, phone or email) with a spouse or loved one.
-First I was getting twitches, now no more twitches, now I have pins and needles in my hands, arms, legs and feet. Sometimes all over.
-Eye lid twitch.
-Sometimes vision fine, sometimes not.
-Physical problems that seem to happen only in certain places, school, work etc.
-Constantly moving, bouncing your leg, or walking around, or standing and rocking back and forth.
-Mouth problems, I must bite or push my tongue against my teeth constantly especially at night, because the sides hurt.
-A new symptom every few days. At first, I could ignore the ambiguous ones, "feeling weird or out of it" and nausea. Now I find it is becoming more tangible, twitches, aches and pains, heart palps.
-Constant need for reassurance. Either the internet or by loved ones (OR POSTING ON A MESSAGE BOARD!)
-Becoming emotional for very little reason.
-If you are feeling good before you go to bed, not wanting to go to sleep because you are not sure what tomorrow will be like.
-Not making long range plans, (vacations, etc.) because you are not sure about how you will be in the future.

yes (but i dont notice it everyone else tells me i wink at them)
no, can happen anywhere for me, soon as i leave the hosue i start getting uptight